Attendance: Erland Kees Ken Kenneth The group discussed ticket and concluded that the changes proposed are accepted and that Ken is to proceed with the revision to the NDRs, an implementation of the revision, and the publishing of the UBL 2.1 and UBL 2.2 models according to the revision as new drafts of their respective committee notes for JSON syntax. This will allow users to test the new approach with either release. The plan going forward is to publish a revised JSON Alternative Syntax for UBL 2.3 at the same time each revision to UBL 2.3 is published with changed models. This will allow users to test the new UBL 2.3 models using the revised JSON syntax should they find that useful. The meeting lasted about an hour and ten minutes. . . . . . . Ken At 2020-03-23 08:08 -0400, G. Ken Holman wrote: A reminder for today's JSON discussion, a ticket remains open with a proposed alternative syntax to our alternative syntax: Not a single comment has been made on the ticket referenced in that email. I direct your attention to the features of the new proposal that make transliteration with UBL XML possible without the prior knowledge of the document model (save for a warning about Boolean values). "See" you in a couple hours. . . . . . . Ken At 2020-03-20 14:21 -0400, G. Ken Holman wrote: Fellow UBL TC members, For those who are attending the Naming and Design Rules TC on Monday, I have prepared the JSON samples that would be included in UBL 2.3 if UBL 2.3 were published today: In the val/ directory the Python invocation of a JSON schema validator, and these also validate in the oXygen editing environment. Though I think the discussion on Monday may be more about the philosophical choices of technical approaches. Monday, 10:00EDT/14:00UTC/15:00CET 23 March 2020. . . . . . . Ken -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc. Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources Streaming hands-on XSLT/XPath 2 training class @ US$45 (5 hours free) Essays (UBL, XML, etc.)