It would be awesome if an active member of the TC could attend. Any
takers? Elysa
At 01:34 PM 3/20/2008, Mary McRae wrote:
>Not sure if anyone is interested, but maybe a recruiting opportunity ;-)
Original Message-----
>From: Eric Jahn []
>Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 1:47 PM
>Subject: EDXL at the Portland NHSDC Conference
>My name is Eric Jahn, and I work on data standards for the CAN disaster
>client data and HUD's HMIS homelessness data. I just wanted to let you
>know that the National Human Services Data Consortium is having a Spring
>Conference April 22-23 in Portland, OR, and EDXL is of great interest to
>us. Would the OASIS Emergency Management TC be interested in sending a
>representative? Thanks!
>Eric Jahn
>Alexandria Consulting LLC
>3126 8th Ave. N
>St. Petersburg, FL 33713
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