OASIS DITA Technical Committee Minutes
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Minutes recorded by Kristen James Eberlein.
Present: Robert Anderson, Jim Earley, Paul Grosso, Elliot Kimber, Bruce
Nevin, Dana Spradley, Su-Laine Yeo, Kris Eberlein, JoAnn Hackos, Gershon
Joseph, Michael Priestley, Don Day, Steffen Fredericksen, Anne Rockley,
Mark Poston, Seth Park, Nancy Harrison
Quorum is present.
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200905/msg00030.html
Motion made to approve minutes; seconded by Bruce Nevin; motion carried by
Anne Rockley reported on the work of the Enterprise Business Documents
Subcommittee. Still investigating aggregated editing; some vendors have
demonstrated how their products support aggregated editing. Other work
efforts include a paper about types of business documents and an
investigation of the effectiveness of out-of-the box metadata for the
business community.
4. ITEM: processing-role attribute
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200905/msg00018.html
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200905/msg00021.html
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200905/msg00022.html
* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200905/msg00024.html
Robert summarized the open question: "Can the processing-role attribute
cascade from map to map"? Suggested that we state that this is something
not defined and processors can choose to handle it as they wish. Michael
Priestley provided a use case. A user has a single map that defines both a
TOC and keys, and another user wants to pull in some the keys but not the
navigation; in this situation, the second user would want to declare that
the map is resource-only. Paul Gross asked that Michael send e-mail
outlining this use case. Gershon also commented that he had requested use
cases for items 4 and 5 in Robert's original e-mail.
Action (26 May 2009):
Michael Priestley to send e-mail about use case in which processing-role
should cascade from map to map.
5. New ITEM: Proposal to initiate the formation of an OASIS DITA
PharmaceuticalContent Subcommittee (DITA-PC-SC)
Steffen Fredericksen provided background about the rationale for starting
the new subcommittee. Pharmaceutical companies are struggling with multiple
government regulatory standards being imposed. Information has to be
delivered in various formats, including SPL structured product labeling
format, Product Information Management (PIM) for the European Union, ECDD
for FDA approval and more. All of these standards are rendition standards,
but none suited to be a common, backbone standard for storing, editing, and
working with the data. Quality of documentation is absolutely essential for
the industry.
The timing is essential; there is lots of work currently being done on
common standards, thus the right time to introduce DITA. As of 25 May, he
has mailed (to OASIS) a list of 27 people from pharmaceutical companies who
have given an initial yes to particpation; 11 other people are considering
participating. Has the beginning of a charter, but wants the newly-formed
SC to work on the charter
Don Day clarifies that a completed charter is necessary to initiate the SC,
but the SC can then flex it out more completely. Items required are a name,
statement of purpose, list of deliverables, and name of chair. Steffen
stated that they will have two co-chairs, himself and James Averback
Nancy Harrison asked whether the information that the pharmaceutical
companies generates contains the results of clinical trials, and then
commented that there is an overlap with medical records. Steffen stated
that the subcommittee would begin with the core area of submissions. Don
Day suggested that the subcommittee add a roadmap to their work items.
Steffen Fredericksen proposed that the TC approves the creation of the
subcommittee; seconded by Anne Rockley; approved by acclamation
Action (26 May 2009):
Don to send Mary McRae a link to today's minutes when published, which will
initiate the process of setting up Wiki
6. New ITEM: Meaningful Values for type= on xref and topicref
Elliot summarized the main point: Whether values for the type attribute
should be qualified with the module name. Need to qualify common type name
especially on an xref or another other place where type would be used to
reference an element that is not a topic. Discussion on whether this should
be required or just recommended for non-standard types.
Action (26 May 2009)
Elliot to write a statement about meaningful values for type on