OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Liaison Report

    Posted 11-18-2003 18:15
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Liaison Report

    Hi All,
    Disclaimer: I have not asked for permission to list people, assuming 
    that if they are active members of the TC they have a clear stake in 
    helping the process along, and all of our contacts have indicated a 
    preference for informal arrangements.
    Our liaison needs appear to be in a couple of basic and a few specifc areas:
    Governmental: E-Gov TC: Eliot Christian is our best resource. There 
    are others connected to governmental agencies and/or concerns.
    Standards: Rex has established a contact in the W3C VoiceXML Working 
    Group, is liaison with HumanMarkup TC and WSRP TC, also have 
    established contact with HR-XML Consotium, XNSORG (EXtensible Names 
    Service Organization).
    OGC: Carl Reed is Executive Director and is also chair of our EM-GIS TC.
    EM Tools/Products Vendors Community: Allen Wyke, Rick Carlton, Tom 
    Merkle, most representatives of OASIS member companies.
    DMIS: Gary Ham
    If there are others, such as John Silva was when he presented on !S) 
    11179, please let me know. I will endeavor to keep an ongoing list.
    We do not yet have a specific contact with the ebXML efforts, but I 
    am working on it. Since there is a similar need in WSRP, I am 
    exploring the idea of getting an ad hoc group together to discuss the 
    needs for coordination of registries, UDDI, and other standards that 
    reflect large and diverse constituencies.
    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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