Wanted to get this out for comments before next week's TC call... My one action item from the September telcon was to document changes needed to the DocBook DTD to implement Bob Stayton's Olink proposal.
http://www.sagehill.net/OlinkExtended.html Based the proposal and a discussion with Bob, it seems like the only potential DTD changes needed are: * a new Targetdoc CDATA attribute * a new Targetid IDREF attribute * a stylesheet value for the Type attribute Bob says a processing application can infer the stylesheet value for the Type attribute when it determines that the targetdoc and targetid attributes are in use. So I think that'll leave us with a new ATTLIST for Olink that looks like this: <!ATTLIST olink targetdoc CDATA #IMPLIED targetid IDREF #IMPLIED targetdocent ENTITY #IMPLIED linkmode IDREF #IMPLIED localinfo CDATA #IMPLIED type CDATA #IMPLIED %common.attrib; %olink.role.attrib; %local.olink.attrib; > It's also worth noting that Bob has already produced a documented working implementation of the proposal, with examples. --Mike