Wasn't Office-3406 answered on Monday's call?
We agreed to not include the diagrams from Oliver but to include his
much improved text for the relevant sections (which were covered by
other issues).
Thanks for putting this together and importing all the public comments!
On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 09:12 -0500, wrote:
> Attached is a JIRA report of the disposition of all comments received by
> the TC, from members as well as through the public comment list, during
> our most recent public review, which ran from July 8th through September
> 6th. Additionally, if you recall, we decided to also accept comments
> received on September 7th, due to some timezone confusion.
> There were 389 comments received in this period. The resolutions can be
> inferred from looking at the status, resolution and the afffects version
> field. But this isn't as clear as I'd like it to be, so my plan is to add
> a "Disposition" column to the spreadsheet that nets it out, e..g,
> "deferred to ODF-Next", "Fixed in CD06", etc.
> Of the 389 comments, all appear to have resolutions, except for one:
> I'm hoping that someone will propose the adoption of a resolution to 3406
> on Monday's TC call.
> Regards,
> -Rob
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