OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

  • 1.  Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-01-2010 13:55

    No comments on the proposal to re-cast enegyinterop into

    (1)    Contracts offered, executed, mandatory (DR)

    (2)    Bidding

    (2a) Block bidding

    (3)    Price Look-ahead

    Is this all the services? Is #3really pert of EMIX?

    Separate specifications for instantiations of energyinterop

    -          WS

    -          FIX

    -          CAP

    With this group probably only doing (1). (Note: CAP is inherently a partial set of services, and is already used in soma CA markets, so hat one might be straightforward)

    "Energy and persistence conquer all things." -- Benjamin Franklin

    Toby Considine
    TC9, Inc

    OASIS Technical Advisory Board
    TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar

    TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop


    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com

    Phone: (919)619-2104


    blog: www.NewDaedalus.com

  • 2.  Re: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-01-2010 15:47
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  • 3.  Re: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-01-2010 16:18
    Prior to consenting, I think we will need to elaborate and look at 
    specific scenarios so that the opportunities are well articulated. Some 
    examples would help (existing implementations vs. future 
    considerations). My other thoughts below:
    Toby Considine wrote:
    > No comments on the proposal to re-cast enegyinterop into
    > (1)    Contracts offered, executed, mandatory (DR) -
    Rish: Look into what could be used/needed above and beyond wat already 
    exists in OpenADR v1.0. Need to understand the dynamics of the 
    terminologies and concepts, which needs to be consistent.
    > (2)    Bidding
    > (2a) Block bidding
    Rish: Not sure what this means and why are we considering only block 
    bidding. Bidding should be generic with details on specific applications.
    > (3)    Price Look-ahead
    Rish: Do you mean price forecasting? If yes, then I think it's outside 
    of EI scope. Our focus should be standardized DR (and DER) signals 
    to/from the facility/ESI.
    > Is this all the services? Is #3really pert of EMIX?
    Rish: I would think so.
    > Separate specifications for instantiations of energyinterop
    > -          WS
    > -          FIX
    > -          CAP
    > With this group probably only doing (1). (Note: CAP is inherently a 
    > partial set of services, and is already used in soma CA markets, so 
    > hat one might be straightforward)
    Rish: Need to understand this better - Is FIX and CAP a technology or a 
    communication protocol or information transmission medium (application 
    layer)? Need to look at their relation to OSI model?
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > "Energy and persistence conquer all things." -- Benjamin Franklin
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Toby Considine
    > TC9, Inc
    > OASIS Technical Advisory Board
    > TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar
    > TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop
    > Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com
    > Phone: (919)619-2104
    > http://www.tcnine.com/
    > blog: www.NewDaedalus.com
    Rish Ghatikar
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    1 Cyclotron Road, MS: 90-3111, Berkeley, CA 94720
    GGhatikar@lbl.gov | +1 510.486.6768 | +1 510.486.4089 [fax]
    This email is intended for the addressee only and may contain 
    confidential information and should not be copied without permission. If 
    you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender as soon as 
    possible and delete the email from computer[s].

  • 4.  RE: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-01-2010 17:04
    A couple people asked for examples.
    See chapter 4 of the last draft
    "If flies are allowed to vote, how meaningful would a poll on what to have for dinner be, and what would be on the menu?" -  Unknown
    Toby Considine
    Chair, OASIS oBIX Technical Committee
    Co-Chair, OASIS Technical Advisory Board
    Facilities Technology Office
    University of North Carolina
    Chapel Hill, NC
    Email: Toby.Considine@ unc.edu
    Phone: (919)962-9073 
    blog: www.NewDaedalus.com

  • 5.  Re: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-01-2010 17:36
    I think that many of us could use more elaboration
    on what you have written in your email.  Like Rish,
    I am unsure to what FIX and CAP refer.  Also unclear
    if bidding/contracts are going to be the only mechanism
    for DR signal exchange.  This seems ill suited to smaller 
    consumers or to handling grid emergencies.
    Evan K. Wallace
    Manufacturing Systems Integration Division

  • 6.  RE: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-01-2010 18:08
    It starts with the comments on Section 4 of WD06 that I requested for
    response before I extended them into the document.
    "If something is not worth doing, it`s not worth doing well" - Peter Drucker
    Toby Considine
    TC9, Inc
    OASIS Technical Advisory Board
    TC Chair: oBIX & WS-Calendar
    TC Editor: EMIX, EnergyInterop
    Email: Toby.Considine@gmail.com
    Phone: (919)619-2104
    blog: www.NewDaedalus.com

  • 7.  RE: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-02-2010 01:43
    I think we need more focus in energy interop.
    From the NIST Twiki the purpose of PAP 03 is to
    Define a framework and common terminology for: 
    1.Price communication, 
    2.Grid safety or integrity signals, 
    3.DER support, and 
    4.Other signals and/or an extensibility mechanism. 
    I have several questions and some answers.  Happy to listen to other answers
    and questions.
    First question: Shall we focus our effort on the smart grid with interval
    metering or the dumb grid with cumulative monthly metering?
    My answer, assume interval metering or we are taking on too much complexity
    in our document with little added value.
    Second question:  Do we begin with price communication for the electricity
    (or gas) commodity or do we ignore price communication for the commodity and
    go to directly to specify signals to reduce load from an undefined base?
    My answer, clearly we have to begin with price communication for the
    commodity.  That is, we need to communicate the price from a regulated or
    competitive retail supplier to the end customer.  
    The price should be :
    (1) real-time price for any amount of energy, or
    (2) forward prices for forward commitments of energy for specified intervals
    that can be added up to meet the desired forward purchases of the customer
    with any residual purchase or sale at real-time prices, or
    (3) any amount of energy at forward contracted prices that is independent of
    real-time price or any further transactions (this is actually an option to
    purchase energy).  
    Third question:  Shall we facilitate bidding into wholesale markets by
    retail customers for load reductions from the base in (2) above?  
    My answer is yes since this is no different from the buying and selling in
    forward transactions referenced above for the Second question. ( pricing
    communication (2) ) 
    Fourth question:  Shall we facilitate peak load pricing and rebates? 
    My answer is yes, as this is just another forward purchase or sale and is
    included just like the answer to the third question.
    Fifth question:  Shall we facilitate offers by customers to reduce or
    increase forward purchases.
    Yes, as this is included just like the answers to the third and fourth
    Sixth question:  Shall we facilitate options for the retailer or ISO to buy
    back at prescribed (high) prices (a call option by the retailer?  And shall
    we facilitate options for the retailer or ISO to put back at prescribed
    (low) prices (a put option by the retailer?  Similar options can be
    described for the customers?
    My answer is yes, but this is not high priority.
    Seventh question: What are grid safety and integrity signals?  
    My answer: These have nothing to do with price and should be restricted to
    signals to the capable meters to
    1. disconnect from the grid
    2. prevent backflow to the grid
    3. limit power consumed from the grid or provided to the grid under
    emergency only conditions to protect the grid equipment.
    A separate category could be notifications for voluntary actions by groups
    of customers. 
    Sixth question: How should we provide for DER support?
    My answer is that we use the structure described above.  No other changes
    are needed.
    Seventh question: What are other signals?
    My answer is that I don't know and the above seems adequate.
    Regards, Ed
    Edward G. Cazalet, Ph.D.
    101 First Street, Suite 552
    Los Altos, CA 94022
    cell: 408-621-2772

  • 8.  RE: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-02-2010 02:15
    Sorry the reference to PAP 03 should be to PAP 09 which is the PAP energy
    interop is addressing.
    Edward G. Cazalet, Ph.D.
    101 First Street, Suite 552
    Los Altos, CA 94022
    cell: 408-621-2772

  • 9.  RE: [energyinterop] Is silence consent?

    Posted 03-09-2010 22:13

    Some thoughts on Ed's 3/1/10 questions:

            Ref Q2: we agreed to standardize DR signals, which to me takes the message set from OpenADR and adds a few more with the goal of a set of generalized messages that matches the large majority of existing DR programs. Communicating a price is one option.

            Q7: I thought integrity signals were the DR messages. I'm not sure what grid safety signals are. Toby?

            2nd Q6--I think we need to pay attention to PAP 7 and probably other efforts marching forward on DER integration and think about what needs to happen in EnergyInterop.

    Different subject--thoughts following last week's call. Some concepts/dimensions from the Collaborative Interactions vs. NOT-collaborative discussion (and why it’s complicated trying to pin this down):

            Local vs. remote management (in the facility vs. utility control)

            DLC and DR where the utility has contractually guaranteed response amount vs. no guaranteed response

            DR bid vs. price response.

            M&V versus not

            Mandatory vs. voluntary contracts

            AMI vs Internet channel

            Utility remote DLC versus virtual DLC (utility owned in-home EMS, e.g., the PCT)

            Energy Interop vs. SEP

            Variety of DR program types
