OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-12-13 (corrected once)

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-12-13 (corrected once)

    Posted 12-14-2010 12:55
    OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-12-13 (corrected once)
    * Begin 9:35 EST
    * Rollcall
    +Andreas Guelzow
    +Cherie Ekholm 
    +David Wheeler
    +Dennis Hamilton
    +Donald Harbison
    +Eric Patterson
    +Michael Brauer
    +Ming Fei Jia
    +Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
    +Patrick Durusau
    +Robert Weir
    +Robin LaFontaine
    +Thorsten Behrens
    +Tristan Mitchell
    Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name, Persistent 
    Non-Voting members with an *
    - Stephen Pemberton have missed two consecutive meetings and lose voting 
    14/18 voting members present =77%, so quorum requirements are met.
    * Agenda  was approved by unanimous consent. 
    * Minutes of December 6th were approved by unanimous consent.
    * Discussion: ODF maintenance. 
    - 1st errata to be published by JTC1 (waiting for ITTF)
    - 2nd errata awaiting to be balloted in SC34 (waiting for Project Editor)
    - ODF 1.1 amendment  (waiting for SC34/WG6)
    ==> next SC34/WG6 meeting is January 5 at 1400 UTC.
    * Discussion: ODF 1.2
    - CSD 06 approved
    - TC approved request for 15-day public review
    - Waiting for public review to start
    ==> Cancel Formula SC meeting for 14, 21 and 28, next meeting January 4th
    ==> TC meeting on 20th may be canceled if public review has already 
    started and no comments received by Friday.
    ==> Action item: Rob to create ODF 1.2 Errata Target in JIRA
    * Discussion: ODF-Next
    - Rob: perhaps promote ODF-Next discussions to main TC from SC?
    - Michael: to write up his thoughts on the "train model" for developing 
    - Rob need to get consensus on several items:
    -- time-boxed versus feature-boxed
    -- big release or small release
    -- how to fairly determine features
    - Patrick: is there a way to get preferences from users?
    - Rob: could filter through vendors or do a survey/ call for comment
    - Rob: Also start of a new release is an opportunity to recruit new 
    * Other
    - ODF Plugfest February 24th & 25th in Maidenhead Town Hall, UK, 30 miles 
    from London
    * Adjourned at 10:13