Where do meeting agendas go?
Larry H
Hi Folks,
I'm resending this message so that it's fresh in
everyone's minds. If there is time today, I plan to move that we adopt the
changes proposed in this message.
Matt Ball
4A0AED14.7000103@sun.com" type="cite">Hi Bob and
Having heard no further comments on this issue, I'd like to
request an agenda item (to be added if time is available) to move that the
KMIP TC adopt the following proposal for document folders, and that we request
Mary McRae to create three new folders entitled "Minutes", "Proposals", and
Matt Ball wrote:
49F9D1DB.60407@sun.com" type="cite">With the Technical
Committee's approval, I recommend we create three new folders with the
following names and descriptions:
- Minutes - Draft and Approved minutes from meetings
- Proposals - Proposed changes to technical committee drafts
- Drafts - Draft Standards that have not been approved
existing three folders would have the following contents:
- Calendar Documents - Meeting notices and logistics
- Meeting Notes - Presentations given at meetings
- Standards - Approved
Robin Cover
Pine.LNX.4.64.0904301211310.2668@fs00.ma0.oasis-open.net" type="cite">Matt, if you'd like to create new folders (beyond the 3x
by default), send email to Mary McRae. You're not
limited to three.
Robin Cover
OASIS, Director of Information
Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink
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On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Matt Ball wrote:
Hi Folks,
Can anyone provide
clarification concerning what types of documents go into each of the
three categories as defined on the
OASIS KMIP member's page:
* Calendar Documents
* Meeting Notes
* Standards
In particular, where do drafts,
proposals, and minutes go?
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