OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  New XACML References and Products document V1.83

    Posted 07-31-2007 20:11
    An updated list of XACML References and Products has been uploaded to 
    Again, lots of new XACML references this time, both papers and
    deployments.  In January 2007, we had 213 papers and articles, and 55 
    products and deployments; now we have 259 papers and articles and 65 
    products and deployments.  I didn't have time to do as thorough as 
    search as I usually do, so I may have missed more than usual.
    I changed the contact for additions and changes to xacml-users, but I 
    have only rarely had updates sent to me - it takes a search of the IEEE 
    and ACM digital libraries and some Googling.
    If someone wants to take on periodic update of this document, it would 
    be good for XACML.  When you make a new version, change its name to 

  • 2.  RE: [xacml] New XACML References and Products document V1.83

    Posted 08-02-2007 15:28
    Here is a more complete description of the organizations that we
    discussed in the 8/2 XACML TC meeting.  My contacts to the IHE report
    that authorization is a hot topic and they would like to engage the
    XACML TC in refining healthcare scenarios that demonstrate
    interoperability and support security and privacy solutions in an SOA
    environment.  The IHE profiles are frequently adopted by government
    through efforts such as HITSP.
    IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise - is a multi-year
    initiative, which started in 1998 to create the framework for seamlessly
    passing health information via computer systems within and across all
    units of the healthcare enterprise. IHE is sponsored by HIMSS, the
    Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the American College of
    Cardiology (ACC). 
    [from: http://www.himss.org/ASP/topics_FocusDynamic.asp?faid=3 ]
    The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is the
    healthcare industry's membership organization exclusively focused on
    providing global leadership for the optimal use of healthcare
    information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of
    healthcare. Founded in 1961 with offices in Chicago, Washington D.C.,
    Brussels, and other locations across the United States and Europe, HIMSS
    represents more than 20,000 individual members and over 300 corporate
    members that collectively represent organizations employing millions of
    people. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare public policy and industry
    practices through its advocacy, educational and professional development
    initiatives designed to promote information and management systems'
    contributions to ensuring quality patient care.
    [from: http://www.himss.org/ASP/aboutHimssHome.asp ]
    The mission of the Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
    [HITSP] is to serve as a cooperative partnership between the public and
    private sectors for the purpose of achieving a widely accepted and
    useful set of standards specifically to enable and support widespread
    interoperability among healthcare software applications, as they will
    interact in a local, regional and national health information network
    for the United States.
    Comprised of a wide range of stakeholders, the Panel will assist in the
    development of the U.S. Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) by
    addressing issues such as privacy and security within a shared
    healthcare information system.
    The Panel is sponsored by the American National Standards Institute
    (ANSI) in cooperation with strategic partners such as the Healthcare
    Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). 
    [from: http://www.hitsp.org ]
    David Staggs