I like the direction of section 5. Good work Toby & others.
I recommend that we distinguish the concept of a contract “Notice” / “Notification” as distinct from Offer, Execution, & Call. I make this recommendation because I was thinking about Texas ERCOT real time price and how it fits in with the current section
5 semantics. Most contracts that I work with have the concept of official notification.
When the real time price changes, the supplier is executing their right to change the terms of an existing contract. The supplier’s only obligation is to provide the information. There is no signal requirement for the buyer to respond. There may be
a similar use case where the buyer is obligated to supply consumption forecasts but no agreement or behavior-acknowledgement is required.
An additional class of signals may not be required, but I suggest that it is easier to add it now and consolidate with one of the other categories (Call, etc) if they are sufficiently similar. For me the key difference is that a Call requires a response
with the recipient’s intent/behavior and the Notice does not.
Add Section (new 5.3, insert before line 639):
5.3 Contract Notification
An executed contract may allow an end node to unilaterally make changes to the contract terms. The end node making the change is usually required to provide notice as defined in the contract. Often the seller has the right to change the price. The buyer
may have the obligation to provide forecasts of energy use. Acknowledgement of the notification is a best practice but often not a requirement. For example the seller’s obligation may only be to publish the new prices at a public location.
(insert element table)
David Wilson
Enterprise Solutions Portfolio Manager
Trane Commercial Systems
Ingersoll Rand
Office: +1.651.407.4168
Mobile: +1.612.741.2759
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