XLIFF TC Teleconference - Summary
Date: Tuesday, 05 October 2010
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm ET
=== 1/ Roll call
Present: Bryan, Yves, Asgeir, Lucia, Peter, Dimitra, Doug, Christian, David, Rodolfo, Andrew, Arle
Regrets: none
Peter becomes a voting member.
=== 2/ Approve Tuesday, 21 September 2010 meeting minutes:
Accept, reject, or amend.
Bryan moves to accept the minutes.
Rodolfo seconds
No objections
David has send ballot proposal for conformance.
We also want to do the XLIFF symposium debriefing
David: maybe proposal was a bit late, so we can do the debriefing first.
-> Symposium first
=== 5/ XLIFF Symposium Debrief: "Voice of our customer"
Thanks to Lucia and Dimitra for the preparation of the Symposium.
Thanks to attendees and presenters
Christian presents a summary of the meeting
... (slides)
Presentations being collected for publication.
To have links from the wiki, and XLIFF TC home page.
Christian volunteers to collect take-aways from participants.
Rodolfo: backward compatibility request from who?
David: heard about fear that tools won't be able to catch up for a while. Friedel for example.
Bryan: Gabor also made the same point (transition period), and Andrzej feel strongly about backward compatibility.
Peter: my take was that input was: we need to be careful with being or not backward compatibility
Rodolfo: how about extensibility?
Bryan: characterized as a double-edge sword. Some pros, many cons.
Also point that current extensibilities are good clue on what is needed.
Peter: maybe a criticism to use extensibility too much
Asgeir: in some cases extensibility was used instead of existing feature
Lucia: need a stable core
Peter: next year event suggestion: TM Europe. Next year is about standards.
Rodolfo, Bryan: nice idea.
Bryan: we need to take the time to integrate the things we learned from the attendees.
To get a 2.0 without much delays.
=== Report on ISO
Peter: need to leave.
So quick report on ISO: some problems with ISO officials (slower that OASIS officials)
But making progress. Not much to report.
Symposium was the 'interop' event (presentation from Rodolfo/Bryan/etc.)
Dimitra: Felix Sasaki and Laurent Romary are looking for a liaison for W3C and OASIS/ISO for MLIF (ISO draft)
Peter: Felix will join the ISO TC as Germany rep. Missing liaison for W3C. Peter is both in ISO TC and XLIFF TC.
Peter out.
Arle in.
=== 4/ XLIFF Inline text SC report
Yves: finishing the req next meeting (hopefully)
Bryan: will need to incorporate work for final specs.
Rodolfo: this discussion should include also David proposal
Bryan: Arle sent a note about some clarifications needed.
Arle: LISA forum next week. One question: what about XLIFF 2.0? integration with today CAT tools. XML process vs. XLIFF process in XML aware CAT tools. Basically: they process XLIFF doc and any other XML doc. What about status flags?
Rodolfo: status attributes are available, some XLIFF tools support them.
Bryan: can't make answer an "official" one. Arle fine with that.
Rodolfo: even some revision tools use XLIFF and those values are supported.
Asgeir: also maybe point to the result of the Symposium. Presentations will be likely on line by then.
Lucia out.
=== Back to Symposium take-aways:
Arle: extensibility. Fine as long it's *not* for the functions provided by the standard.
e.g. TMX and XLIFF. If extensions prevent use -> not good.
Rodolfo: we had a ballot saying extension should not replace existing functions.
Extensions to be ignored but left in place.
- will send the slides and wait for the symposium slides.
Then after 2 weeks we do a joint summary.
Rodolfo: could be item in next meeting.
Dimitra: depends on when other presenters send their slides.
Article for the summary. Christian will try to compile it.
Slides not to the list yet (but privately first)
One of the symposium voices: we need 2.0 sooner rather than later.
Dimitra: James Hogan, RDF + XLIFF.
Mailing list for people interested.
Arle: Planning a Standard Summit on March 7th and 8th 2011 at Washington DC.
Will send info soon.
=== Any other business
-meeting adjourned