Thanks Elysa; I take partial responsibility. I should have checked prior to actually starting the ballot rather than afterwards. I have now added that step as part of the normal process and am thankful to have Sabine on board to help with the workload.
I'll get the ballot restarted within 24 hours.
All the best,
Mary P McRae
Director, Standards Development
Technical Committee Administrator
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
twitter: fiberartisan #oasisopen
phone: 1.603.232.9090
Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.
On Oct 1, 2009, at 5:05 PM, Elysa Jones wrote:
Our vote to request a ballot for Committee Specification occurred on Aug
25, 2009. The ballot actually began Sept 23. The voting
members change with every meeting and I do my best to keep it up to
date. I always make sure the roster is updated with respect to
voting members before any vote is taken, which I did prior to the Aug 25
meeting. As you pointed out in our off-line discussions today, the
ballot is based upon voting members
at the time the ballot is
issued. In the case of the IPAWS Profile, that wasn't until
Sept 23. I was delinquent in updating the roster after the meeting
I conducted while on vacation.
The roster was updated prior to the vote taken this week (Sept 29) for
the CAP 1.2 15-day review. I have just completed updating the
roster with attendance for the Sept 29 meeting. My sincere apology
for causing this ballot to have to be re-issued. Mary, please
re-issue the ballot as soon as possible.
Elysa Jones, Chair
At 09:42 AM 10/1/2009, Mary McRae wrote:
In checking the ballot results
in conjunction with meeting attendance
reports, it appears that Tim Grapes, Sukumar Dwarkanath, Jeff
Camille Osterloh, and Bill Kalin should not have been on the
Therefore the ballot is invalid.
It is the responsibility of the Chair and/or Secretary to update
roster immediately after the close of each meeting, noting which
members have gained or lost voting rights by attending/missing two
meetings in a row.
Once the roster has been corrected - I didn't check to see if there
were individuals who should have been on the ballot but weren't - I
will re-run the ballot.
Mary P McRae
Director, Standards Development
Technical Committee Administrator
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
twitter: fiberartisan #oasisopen
phone: 1.603.232.9090
Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.
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