OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EM-TC/SC Telecons Today

    Posted 01-09-2007 14:54
    Dear TC Members,
    Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and are 
    looking forward to a safe, happy, standards filled new year! ;-)
    Todays calls will use conference line 605-725-3600, dial-in code 236489
    IF-SC will meet at 11:30am EST
    EM-TC will meet 12:00-1:00 EST
    Adoption-SC will meet from 1:00-2:00pm EST
    Agenda for EM-TC is as follows:
    1.  Attendance
    2.  Meeting notes from 12/12/06 telecon
    3.  April OASIS F2F meetings
    4.  April EM-TC Paper to be presented
    5.  HAVE Comments
    6.  CAP 1.1 Erratta
    7.  EIC and Member Section Status
    8.  Interop Demos - NEMA 2/10-15
    9.  ROSS-EDXL
    10.  Comments from EIC Meeting 12/7
    12.  SC Reports
    See you on the call.  Stay tuned for meeting notes for review prior 
    to the EM-TC call.