OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

[wsia][wsrp] Updated Requirements document

  • 1.  [wsia][wsrp] Updated Requirements document

    Posted 06-17-2002 11:54
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [wsia][wsrp] Updated Requirements document

    In preparation for the face to face meetings next week I have made another
    pass through the requirements document. Significant changes were:
     - Renumber WSIA requirements to reflect the current document layout. The
    base level requirements we have been working on all start with the letter
    'A' now.
     - Folded in a new section for the WSIA security requirements that emerged
     - Folded in a new section for the WSRP requirements that have been
    discussed in various venues. I attempted to apply style and wording changes
    to fit in with the rest of this document (eg. upper case words such as
    MUST). I apologize in advance if any of these have been lifted from old
    sources, etc. I would note that these have not been reviewed to the extent
    the base WSIA set has and that there is a significant overlap in some
    - Folded in the set of draft requirements that have been under discussion
    by the customization subgroup. These are still undergoing revision by the
    subgroup, but are included as an update to the larger interested community.
    (See attached file: WSIA reqs 2002-06-17.doc)

    Attachment: WSIA reqs 2002-06-17.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

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