Download the drafts of the targeted review. You can access them (and the schedule) from the Frontpage Wiki at Here are some tips about using DITAweb . Please note that the interface is built of window widgets that you can show or hide; you also can float them to where you want them. If you don't see a widget or have closed it and need it back, click Widget Manager . Getting started Go to . In the upper-right corner, click Sign In . Type your user name and password, and then click OK . Your username is your first initial of your given name followed by your family name (all lower case), for example, jhackos. Your password is the same as before. If you do not have a DITAweb account, contact me, and I will create an account and send your password off-list In the Publications widget, expand the Targeted reviews folder. Click the publication. The publication opens in the Content widget. Changing your password In the upper-right corner of the Web browser window, click Profile . In the Profile window, make your changes, and then click Close . Navigating around the publication You can navigate the publication in several ways: In the Contents widget, the TOC is displayed. When you click on a topic, it opens in the middle pane. In the Content widget, there are left and right arrow icons that enable you to move back and forward. In the Revisions widget, you can see a list of topics that contain a specific revision value. In the Search widget, you can see results of a search on a phrase or term. Locating content associated with a DITA 1.3 proposal In the Revisions widget, expand the revisions node. You'll see nodes that represent each value for @rev that is defined in the subject scheme map. If you expand a node, you'll see a list of the topics that contain that value for the @rev attribute. Select a topic, and it is displayed in the center pane. All DITA 1.3 revisions are highlighted in brown text (per settings in the DITAVAL file); additionally, revisions associated with the value that you selected from the Revisions widget are displayed with a tan background color. Note that completely new topics are not highlighted with either the brown text and the tan background color that DITAweb dynamically generates. Commenting on a topic There are two type of comments that you'll want to make: Comment and Change. Ignore Note. Click Enable Annotating , and navigate to the topic on which you want to comment. Click either Comment or Change . Select a block of text in the topic. A window is displayed. If you clicked Comment , it is blank; if you clicked Change , it is populated with the text that you selected. Type your comment (or edit the displayed text), and then click the Floppy disk icon. Viewing comments on a topic You can view the comments both in the Content widget and in the Annotations widget. If you are viewing a topic and have the Annotations widget open, all the comments present in the topic are displayed in the widget. You can view the comments in the Content widget. You can toggle how the comments are displayed -- whether all comments are displayed inline or whether they are just indicated by a small icon -- by clicking Show All Annotations or Hide Annotations . Show All Annotations view: Hide All Annotations view: Comment icon highlighted with red box If you have hidden the annotations, you can open a single one by clicking on the Comment icon. -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting +1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype)