Hi Allen, Everyone,
I probably should have answered Monday, but I had a visitor and I was
wrapped up in other TC business as well, which brings up the reason
for this reply. The WSRP-WSIA TC two-hour telecn starts at 11:00 am
ET, and it is supposed to be the last review before we vote on v1.0
of the WSRP Spec, so it is rather imperative I attend. And that
happens to coincide with the liaison section of the f2f tomorrow, so
I am volunteering to work on the liaison mentioned below although
time constraints prevent me from volunteering to be the
I should be able to attend via teleconference from 9:30-11:00 am ET.
>On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 19:34, Rex Brooks wrote:
>> Also, although I can't devote the time and effort needed to be the
>> security liaison, I have already explored the Joint Security
>> Committee for coordinating my own work with it, and I suggest that we
>> consider establishing a liaison with that group for the purpose of
>> gathering information about all the security TC spec efforts and for
>> giving our input about our specific needs in this area. When we spoke
>> about the need to "drive" some aspects of those efforts, it occurred
>> to me that this is perhaps a good way to do that and also to be aware
>> of the progress of those specs. For instance we already have SAML,
>> and XACML, and I believe WSS is about to bring out its first spec,
>> and we will need to be interoperable with those, as will the e-gov
>> folks with which I suspect we also need to have a formal liaison.
>> E-gov, however, is still at about the same stage of development as
>> EM, so it may be premature to invest much energy in that effort yet,
>> though I suspect Eliot and others will keep us informed about that.
>Rex, I think this sounds perfect - something we should definitely
>discuss during the liaison portion of our face-to-face.
>R. Allen Wyke
>Chair, Emergency Management TC
Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
Tel: 510-849-2309
Fax: By Request