I pushed a change draft for Issue #165, “Add run.description”: Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active/sarif-v2.0-issue-165-run.description.docx I will move its adoption at TC #17 on May 16 th . This is the entire change: 3.11.4 description property An run object MAY contain a property named description whose value is a message object (§3.9) that describes this run. If stableId is present, description SHOULD describe the type of run defined by stableId . EXAMPLE: { # A run object (§3.11). "stableId": "Nightly security scanner run/x86/debug", # See §3.11.3. "description": { "text": "This is the nightly run of the Security Scanner tool on all binaries except for test binaries. The scanned binaries are architecture '{0}' and build type '{1}'.", "arguments": [ "x86", "debug" ] } } NOTE: If we adopt Issue #159 , “Id property renames”, the mentions of stableId will change to logicalId . Thanks, Larry