OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC

  • 1.  Request for creation of TOSCA Primer template submitted to TC Admin

    Posted 10-23-2012 13:24
    Just wanted to let everyone know that the TOSCA Primer work is continuing. Yesterday, we submitted a requested to OASIS TC Admin to create the skeleton of the TOSCA Primer document from template. Here is a link to that request: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-1090 Frank has been working with the editors and contributors to refine the TOC and individual contributor work (sections) is beginning in earnest. Regards, Matt

  • 2.  RE: [tosca] Request for creation of TOSCA Primer template submitted to TC Admin

    Posted 10-23-2012 16:23
    Matt, I already requested and received the template that you request below several weeks ago. In fact, a link to the template was provided in the last several agendas for the convenience of the editors (1), for your convenience. There is no need to request it again. Naturally, the business of the Primer creation will be conducted in a transparent fashion during TC meetings, as was the specification. As previously discussed in the TC, all chapter submissions and comments will be conducted via JIRA issue comments and uploaded text to Kavi from any TC member, and will be open to all TC members prior to TC approval for inclusion in the Primer by the TC. Of course, just as for the spec, the editors are encouraged to coordinate work offline based on direction and decision provided by the TC. After CSD05, likely our final spec CSD, is created in just a few weeks at most, the TC will be focusing most of our 90 minute weekly call on the Primer. In short, we will work on the Primer as we did the spec. (1) https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/email/archives/201209/msg00016.html Thanks, Paul