Hi TOSCA-ers, I think it essential that the TC contribute to the Primer as they have the spec, through JIRA issues. That said; the Primer is more of a narrative and the construction is more fluid. I can already see that the ToC is changing in the WD, so having a JIRA issue per chapter aligned with the current WD seems be problematic. Therefore, Unless I hear an objection by Tuesday evening, November 13th, I will profoundly simply by eliminating all but two JIRA issues for the Primer. TC members should use these two issues to provide ALL input in an open, transparent fashion to the Primer editorial team: * TOSCA-16, which already exists, is for all TC member editorial and non-semantic comments/changes such as grammar, spelling, organization, clarity corrections, volunteering, etc. * TOSCA-nn, where NN is TBD, which will be for all TC member material contributions such as explanatory paragraphs, examples, etc. Hopefully, that will make life a lot easier for the editors and for the rest of the TC. Thanks, Paul