OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

  • 1.  RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

    Posted 05-08-2002 18:32
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

    Beyond the client side/server side issue here, I'd take issue with the
    statement that "in that first paragraph so that stipulating Javascript
    is understood as standing on par with binaries as obvious?".

    In my mind JavaScript is not on par with binary elements and should
    not be treated the same way.  This is the whole reason for calling it
    out and saying that it will be modifiable.

    The script that is part of a presentation format needs to be just as
    customizable as the markup itself.


    At 03:07 PM 5/8/2002 -0700, Rex Brooks wrote:
    I have the same concern, but I am assuming that the first paragraph covers such languages as Perl for CGI and Python, but while we are at it, should we consider adding an e.g. in that first paragraph so that stipulating Javascript is understood as standing on par with binaries as obvious? And since we are already specifying CSS and fragments, I have a personal interest in seeing support PHP as well ASP and JSP. This is exactly what I meant by saying that I prefer using the MUST NOT preclude phrasing, for now, and establishing a sample implementation and reference implementations from which to conduct conformance testing by rev 2... or 3.


    At 2:53 PM -0700 5/8/02, Young, Brian R wrote:
    What about support for scripting languages other than JavaScript?
    Brian R. Young
    The Boeing Company
    (425) 865-5834
    DISCLAIMER: Any opinions expressed in this e-mail are my own and do not necessarily reflect the position of my company.