Hello Kristen & all.
We generally encourage new projects and coalitions, including those
from new members. Often a novel proposal will bring in a number of
stakeholders that were not previously OASIS members. So, if the
minimum number of *current* members vouch for a valid charter
proposal, we also permit and encourage the inclusion of additional
persons who've indicated an intent to join.
From the rules viewpoint, they are surplus; from the
coalition-building viewpoint, valuable. Of course, they must
complete their joining process in time, in order to attend the TC as
a member when it launches. I do not know the specific facts of this
case, but I hope this general comment is informative. Kind regards
~ James Bryce Clark
~ Director of Standards Development, OASIS
~ http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark
Kristen James Eberlein wrote:
> Is one of the following actually a member of OASIS?
> * Julio Vazquez
> * Systems Documentation, Inc
> If not, I suggest that the name be removed from the charter.
> Best,
> Kristen James Eberlein