OASIS Emergency Management TC

Short SitRep call after TC call

  • 1.  Short SitRep call after TC call

    Posted 05-26-2009 11:22


    This is a reminder that we will hold a short SitRep call at 1:00 PM EST immediately following the regular TC call.  Given the number of other meetings and post-holiday we’ll keep this agenda short:

    Ø  Determine SitRep core roster

    Ø  Determine regular meeting schedule

    Ø  Identify high level  work components and sequence

    I apologize that I have not posted minutes  from the orientation meetings, or an updated issues list from those calls and Carl’s written input.  I will try to get that done before the meeting.



    "No enterprise can exist for itself alone.  It ministers to some great need, it performs some great service, not for itself, but for others; or failing therein it ceases to be profitable and ceases to exist"

    - Calvin Coolidge