OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  FW: DM OPEN information

    Posted 06-13-2006 20:05
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    Subject: FW: DM OPEN information

    I tried to send 4 files.  The list rejected the message as too big.  I will put the two larger ones on a file share for download.
    Gary A. Ham
    External Systems Interoperability Coordinator
    Disaster Management Program
    Open Platform for Emergency Networks
    540-288-5611 (office)
    703-869-6241 (cell)
    "You would be surprised what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry S. Truman


    From: Ham, Gary A
    Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:13 PM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: DM OPEN information

    Per today's meeting request (and thanks for the chance to show what we have):
    The attached materials should help with your understanding of DM OPEN. 
    The first is the first program brief that uses OPEN by name.  (You will notice the HazCollect interface is mentioned with other partnering activities)
    The second puts forth the open mission and some appropriate contact information.
    The third is the FAQ as of May of this year. I am currently testing some updates that I want to put into the June version of the FAQ.  (Hopefully I will update it before July.)
    The 4th file is specific Java-centric developer guidance for connection to the CAP1.1 service.
    Gary A. Ham
    External Systems Interoperability Coordinator
    Disaster Management Program
    Open Platform for Emergency Networks
    540-288-5611 (office)
    703-869-6241 (cell)
    "You would be surprised what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry S. Truman

    OPEN Purpose.doc


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