OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  review of 2.1, comments

    Posted 03-22-2004 07:00
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: review of 2.1, comments

    Title: review of 2.1, comments

    Following up with the review of 2.1, tagged from Matt:

    (pdf, line1535 ) Propose a requirement a little stronger, that the MSH actually does not choke on this:
    "It is recommended that sending MSHs act liberally in allowing..."
    "The presence of a SyncReply element in synchronous responses is meaningless for the MSH, although
    it is not an error case: an MSH MUST process such a response as if the element was absent. It is RECOMMENDED
    for an MSH to not include SyncReply when sending a synchronous response."

    (pdf, line 2675) add the requirement that "the SOAPAction header field value (which MAY be "ebXML") MUST be
    a quoted string in all cases, even if an empty string." (otherwise that may hurt interoperability).

    (pdf, line 2677) Propose a requirement a little stronger, that the MSH actually does not choke on this:
    "Further, it is recommended that sending MSHs act liberally... SOAPACtion..."
    "Synchronous responses over HTTP may contain a SOAPAction header field.  The receiving MSH MUST process
    such a response as if the header field was absent."  (assuming the behavior of proxy/firewall in such case
    would not affect the MSH receiving this ...)


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