OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] EDXL DE - XML Schema Issue

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] EDXL DE - XML Schema Issue

    Posted 11-09-2005 15:00
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL DE - XML Schema Issue

    Title: RE: [emergency] EDXL DE - XML Schema Issue
    After our meeting Monday, I thought of why we didn't have incidentID in the DE - because it may contain payloads related to different incidents. That's why we moved incidentID to the keyword field.
    The question in my mind is - is it good enough to be an initial standard? We can certainly iron out minor issues in EDXL-DE 1.1, as long as there are no show-stopping issues unaddressed.
    I have voted yes to both, but I could be persuaded to change them, if I become convinced that there are any show-stopping issues.

    From: Ham, Gary A [mailto:hamg@BATTELLE.ORG]
    Sent: Wed 11/9/2005 7:49 AM
    To: Emergency_Mgt_TC TC
    Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL DE - XML Schema Issue

    I am concerned that what we have put together is not yet ready, and that
    we are taxing those that have volunteered to put the final touches on
    our work too heavily.  Do we want to create a situation, like we did
    with CAP 1.0, where something important gets dropped?  Personally, I
    would rather wait one more month than get it wrong in some minor, but
    potentially embarrassing, way.  Right now, I intend to vote for the
    committee draft, but not for the release for vote.  My mind could be
    changed if, in fact, a final product is ready and usable as an example
    before the voting deadline.  I am afraid, however, that we do not have
    time to do the quality control review needed to get it all right before
    we put or product out for public inspection. 


    Gary A. Ham
    Senior Research Scientist
    Battelle Memorial Institute
    540-288-5611 (office)
    703-869-6241 (cell)
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