OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] Agenda: 7/29 Call

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Agenda: 7/29 Call

    Posted 07-29-2003 14:50
    Are you actually requiring reference implementations or sample
    Reference implementations are to be avoided as they narrow the
    implementation options 
    by specification and that inhibits and in some cases, prohibits competition
    innovation.  Sample implementations prove the implementability of the
    can result in available runtime libraries, etc., but have no normative
    That is the direction taken by most efforts I am aware of.  Reference
    are usually scrupulously avoided as they can be viewed, quite correctly, as
    the specification process to legislate the implementation, thus quickly,
    I believe the public safety industry would reject the specification on that
    len bullard
    intergraph public safety
    From: emtc@nc.rr.com [mailto:emtc@nc.rr.com]
    2. CAP Reference Implementations: identify who, from what companies, will be
    working together to define this. Group needs to try and put together plan by
    end of week, if possible, and start coordinating efforts next week. As Rex
    pointed out in his email
    (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200307/msg00020.html), we
    still have some hoops to jump through that takes time.