Hi Kris, I would volunteer for 13010 and 13031. BR Thilo From:
dita@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
dita@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of JoAnn Hackos Sent: Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013 02:22 To: Kristen James Eberlein Cc: DITA TC Subject: Re: [dita] Stage 3 reviewers needed Hi Kris I can do 13092, 13116, 13117, and 13031 JoAnn Sent from my iPad JoAnn Hackos Comtech Services Inc 710 Kipling Street Suite 400 Lakewood CO 80215 On Jun 25, 2013, at 2:36 PM, "Kristen James Eberlein" <
kris@eberleinconsulting.com > wrote: If your name is highlighted with yellow below, it's time that you volunteer to review a stage 3 proposal. (If we are to distribute the work equitably, every TC member will need to review 3-5 proposals.) The column header for proposals that still need reviewers are highlighted in light blue. Kudos to Stan Doherty for having already reviewed 4 proposals (and with 2 more on-going)! TC member 13008: Add @appid to <resourceid> (Anderson) 13078: Add @orient to table and @rotate to entry (Nitchie) 13090: Change the @style attribute in DITAVAL files to NMTOKENS (Nitchie) 13086: Add troubleshooting element to <step> (TechComm SC) 13096: Add troubleshooting section to <task> (TechComm SC) 13098: Add troubleshooting value to @type attribute for <note> (TechComm SC) 13107: Refined scope and format defaults (Nitchie) 13089: learningObjectMap and learningGroupMap 13111: MathML domain 13118: New domain for Ruby markup 13023: New <div> element 13010: Add a <sort-as> element 13031: Add element for strikeouts (line-through) to highlighting domain 13041: Facility for key-based, cross-deliverable referencing 13044: Extend content model of <data> to allow %basic.ph 13092: Allow <ph> within <indexterm> 13112: RelaxNG for DITA vocabulary 13116: Add <cite> to the content model of <title> 13117: Add <xref> to the content model for <shortdesc> 13119: New domain for SVG support Anderson X X X Bissantz X X Boses Buchholz Day X X Doherty X X X X X X Eberlein X X X X Hackos Hamilton X X Harrison X X X Helfinstine X X X Hudson X Kimber X X X X Magliery Myers Nitchie X Priestley Warman Tivy X -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting Co-chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Charter member, OASIS DITA Adoption Committee
www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: