OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] More Editiorial Comments (Fw: duplicateElimination and7.5.2 & others)

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] More Editiorial Comments (Fw: duplicateElimination and7.5.2 & others)

    Posted 11-28-2001 12:50
       Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:34:51 -0800
       From: Arvola Chan <arvola@tibco.com>
       >section 7.5.2 item 2a.  (line1663-1667)
       >this does not fall inline with my current understanding of use
       >of duplicateElimination attribute.
       >it should say: MUST NOT deliver to application ONLY WHEN
       >duplicateElimination is TRUE.
    I'm not sure that this change is needed, because if
    duplicateElimination had been false, nobody would have stored the
    MessageId in the persistent list.  The persistent list of MessageId's
    is only there for duplicate elimination; at least that's how I imagine
    implementing all this.  So if a matching MessageId is found in
    persistent memory, then you know that duplicateElimination must have
    been requested.
    On the other hand, if duplicateElimination is not being requested
    for this message, the receiving implementation can avoid the
    cost of looking up the MessageId in the persistent store.
    By the way, section still isn't exactly right.  It says:
       Valid values for duplicateElimination are:
        true -- this results in a delivery behavior of At-Most-Once.
        false -- this results in a delivery behavior of Best-Effort.
    This is only the case if acknowledgements are not being used.