Submitter's message ActionItem;
1. Stan will send out links to older Help SC documents.
2. Tom will work on aggregate minutes.
Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting: Regrets: Dawn Stevens, Chris Nitchie, Eliot Kimber, Joe Storbeck
Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meeting: (Nancy Harrison, 20 September 2016) (Nancy Harrison, 27 September 2016)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Bob, approved by TC
1. Action Items
2 August 2016:
Robert: Produce initial draft of DITA and DITA-OT committee note
Robert; completed first several chapters, so in progress
Kris: Schedule meeting for small group working on Upgrading committee note (IN PROGRESS)
23 August 2016:
Joe: Get TC instance of DITAweb updated with 1.3 DTDs; restore sync with SVN
Kris; talked to Mark Posten, he's happy to hear that we want to keep using DITAWeb for reviews, etc
30 August 2016:
Eric: Review spec and suggest changes for issue raised by France Baril
Eric; working on something at the moment; trying to find language that would be similarly used for multiple titles, to use similar language for learningmaps
Kris: Begin organizing subject scheme education for TC (IN PROGRESS)
6 September 2016
Kris; not yet
Kris: Revise subject scheme example topic pulled from errata 01
Kris; not yet
27 September 2016
Bob: Communicate with interested parties and set date for meeting of the tech comm subcommittee
Bob; work in progress working on getting a good time for meeting
Stan: Communicate with members of Help subcommittee; is there critical mass for the subcommittee to continue?
Stan; I had an action item to contact interested parties. got lots of questions, but I'm really looking to see if there's anyone who is a voting member of OASIS and would be willing to lead Help SC. So far, the answer seems to be 'no'
Kris; we don't need a voting TC member in all leadership positions, but need at least one. So, should we close it on leave it open?
Stan; I'd recommend closing it.
Kris; ok, we can vote on it today or next week.
Eric; if it were to continue, we need to update it.
Kris; I don't know when the SC was chartered, but it reflects the state of help 10 years ago.
Nancy; and they got some significant pieces into 1.3
Kris; That's true. It's too bad we don't have the resources to keep it active.
Stan; their big effort was the 'DITA Help technologies guide'. It looked at the options an org might have in producing help, and focused on tri-pane help. It wasn't published, not because it wasn't finished, but because OASIS wouldn't let us name individual proprietary solutions.
Kris; and that was less resistance from OASIS rules, than from an individual member of the TC.
Stan; we pursued it in the Adoption TC, and got some feedback from Chet. one question was how do you support it in writing, and get good feedback?
ActionItem; Stan will send out links to older Help SC documents.
2. Announcements:
New DITA TC members: Some realignment due to merger of EMC and Dell Technologies
Kris; fyi, there is a re-alignment of EMC/Dell voting membership going on due to the merger of EMC/Dell.
3. Continuing item: DITA 1.3 errata DITA-1.3-errata-schedule
Update from Chet (Ensign, 14 September 2016)
Latest query from TC: (Eberlein, 02 October 2016)
[still in holding pattern] maybe today???
Kris; I don't know why there's such a backlog, Scott, wrt DocBook, do you know why there's been a backlog?
Scott; nope, I don't know
4. Continued item: Subcommittees: Roles, responsibilities, maintenance of AKA Subcommittee governance (Thomas, 30 September 2016) (Eberlein, 30 September 2016) (Hudson, 30 September 2016)
Bob gave overview of his proposal (link above)
Nancy; does OASIS have language around SCs?
Kris; about 2 paragraphs on the OASIS website. you can Google 'oasis tc process'
Nancy; do we want to offer this to SCs in general?
Kris; we could do that, but for now, what do folks think?
Keith; at yesterday's LwD meeting, nothing was brought up that talks about obligations of a TC to its SCs. e.g. asking TC for aid, or 'a TC should co-promote efforts made by SC', or 'a TC should provide tools', etc. The document talks about obligations of an SC to its parent TC, but not the converse. I agree with what's there, but think this is missing.
Kris; it seems clear the kind of support the TC has provided to SCs. The main thing to keep in mind is that SCs exist as work groups of a TC, and opportunities for people to work together and have OASIS support (like KAVI and lists) to enable work to happen.
Robert; I think what Bob was going for was aiming in the same direction. I'm not opposed to Keith's suggestion, but I think we're already doing those things even without the wording.
Kris; I want to have leadership of an SC that includes at least one voting member of the TC, but it could be either a chair, co-chair, or sec'y.
Robert; also, there's a lack of clarity in 'ousting'
Kris; also, don't understanding what you mean by providing an 'advocate'
Bob; wrt L&T e.g., it may be that, rather than a SC taking on work, we put someone from the TC in charge of migrating stuff. not an SC, but one person 'acting' as an SC, e.g. not someone making grammar changes, but someone who takes responsibility for them being made.
Kris; good point. we want to move L&T out of the spec for 2.0, but we may not be able to do that without having an SC there...
Kris; thanks, Bob, for putting this together. if we can keep things fairly lightweight, that would be good, like the frequency of meetings and posting of minutes. It's important for SCs to use their calendar to set meetings and call-in numbers; otherwise, there's no visibility or transparency
Bob; ok
Kris; apropos, Keith has volunteered to take minutes for LwD SC.
Kris; do we want Bob to make changes reflecting this discussion? Do we need a section about TCs responsibility?
Keith, Tom, Eliot agree
Kris; I can give you a laundry list of TC tasks for SCs.
Tom; what do we do with it once it's done?
Kris; this is internal to the TC; someone proposes it, and we vote on it. We need to ensure that if anyone has concerns about it, they have the ability to do it. Under 'criteria for SC creation'; we need to have strong support and a possibility for success.
Kris; I put together a wiki page on SC history, with a link from our main wiki, if anyone is interested.
5. Continuing item: Issue with leaningObjectMap content model (Sirois, 17 August 2016) (Eberlein, 17 August 2016)
Eric; I'm almost ready to send out email, can discuss next week
6. New item: Listening sessions
Portland, Oregon
Research Triangle Park, NC
Kris; any updates?
Nancy; for PDX (Portland OR), we have a place, but working on a time
Kris; I'd like to set up one in RTP, but would like a co-conspirator, Keith?
Keith; Michael and I are thinking of doing one in Toronto. Also, I have a draft 2-part piece that looks at results of previous listening sessionsm. I dont know if it will be a recommendation or an opinion piece.
7. Continuing item: Work on committee notes
Update to Why Three Editions (on hold to align with release of errata 01)
Upgrading to a new version of DITA
DITA the standard versus DITA Open Toolkit
8. Volunteer opportunities:
- Investigate what new OASIS offering of GitHub for version control means; pros and cons of TC usage; possibility of using both GitHub and SVN
- Investigate changes that we need to make to SVN for errata 02 and DITA 2.0
- Aggregated minutes for 2005-2011
- Compile materials about subcommittee history
Tom volunteered
Kris;; i did do some aggregation of minutes
ActionItem; Tom will work on aggregate minutes.
Kris; we owe words to Bob about words on SCs
Bob; I'll revise my proposals.
11:35 ET Close
-- Ms. Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes 04 October 2016 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Ms. Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2016-10-10 21:03:14