OASIS Emergency Management TC

EM TC meeting today at 6pm Central Time..

  • 1.  EM TC meeting today at 6pm Central Time..

    Posted 05-16-2006 15:54
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: EM TC meeting today at 6pm Central Time..



    I just got off the phone with Elysa and she will not be available for an EM TC meeting at the normal time today.  We need to follow-up on the action items from last week and will have an EM TC call at 6pm Central time today.  Elysa will send out the number later today.  Also, the IF subcommittee meeting did not happen as scheduled because I did not coordinate with Tom to get a number and agenda posted.


    David E. Ellis

    Information Management Architect

    (505) 844-6697


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