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Subject: Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 20 October 2003
OCTOBER, THE 20TH, 2003, 3PM GMT – 4:00PM GMT
Doug Alberg <>, Boeing
Michael Brauer <>, Sun Microsystems
Patrick Durusau <>, Society of Biblical Literature
Gary Edwards <>
David Faure <>
Paul Grosso <>, Arbortext
Tom Magliery <>, Corel
Uche Ogbuji <>
Daniel Vogelheim <>, Sun Microsystems
Acceptance of Minutes of the October, the 13th meeting
- The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.
Action Items
- (Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text
and table documents)
- in progress
- Daniel Vogelheim, (Paul Langille): proposal for business charts
- in progress
- David Faure: Clarify whether draw pages can be used for fixed page layouts
- done, see
- Michael Brauer: Proposal for merged foot-/endnote configuration
- done, see
- Michael Brauer: Add hint to TC's comment web form to FAQ
- in progress
TC con call start time
In US, Canada and Europe daylight saving times end at October the 26th.
The TC agreed to move the con call's GMT start time to 4pm (and to leave
the local times in US, Canada and Europe unchanged) for the meeting on
October, the 27th. It further agreed to discuss on the TC's mailing list
whether all con calls should start at that time, or whether the TC
returns to a 4pm/7pm GMT biweekly schedule.
Discussion of Work Package 5.3 Style Properties
The TC continued the discussion of fixed (or "DTP") page layouts based
on David's proposal. It discussed whether a new "DTP" document type for
fixed page layout is an option and whether the master page specification
could be enhanced to support a certain page sequence without requiring a
new document type or a "DTP" flag that changes the behavior of empty
paragraphs. A page sequence based solution was considered to be most
reasonable. Daniel Vogelheim will create a proposal for this.
With the exception of the "DTP" page layout issue, the TC agreed to keep
to page specifications unchanged.
Discussion of Work Package 5.4 Special Styles
The TC continued the discussion of footnote and endnote configurations.
The TC agreed to clarify in the specification that presentation notes
have to support text only. The TC also agreed to the proposal for a
merged foot-/endnote configuration and to keep the rest of the
foot-/endnote configuration unchanged.
The discussion of bibliography configurations has been moved to the next
con call. Daniel Vogelheim will collect further details about the
The TC continued the discussion of list and outline styles. The TC
agreed to the proposal to add a "style:default-outline-level" attribute
to paragraph styles (see and
agreed to rename the <text:h> element's "text:level" attribute to
The TC continued the discussion of multiple outline styles that are used
simultaneously in a document. A use case for this is for instance an
appendix that uses a different numbering than the main document. It has
been discussed whether this could be achieved with the current schema by
adding the possibility to specify a regular numbering style in a
heading's paragraph style. Michael Brauer will further investigate this.
New Action Items
- Daniel Vogelheim: Proposal for page sequences
- Daniel Vogelheim: Collect information regarding bibliography
- Michael Brauer: Investigate whether regular numberings can be
applied to headings.
Michael Brauer
OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair
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