Submitter's message First complete update and many iterations still need to follow. I have in the back of my mind a high goal (or vision) that I would like to extract by automation the definitions of user changes (expressed by XML change-steps) from the spec to create source code. Aiming for that the question is sometimes where to place the basic XML knowledge/handling. Just barely started the mapping, but my ongoing graph-based analysis of our RelaxNG will assist me in questions as the user change coverage over the ODF XML and more.
Till soon,
Svante -- Mr. Svante Schubert Document Name : Working Draft for ODF 1.3. Part 5: Change Tracking Description Based on the new OASIS specification templates Rob has posted [1], I have created an initial working draft for change-tracking.
I have basically mapped the feature set of the two documents from the Microsoft ECT proposals [2,3] to sections to get a feeling for the feature set by looking at the content-table. In addition, I put in the skeleton of documentation that has to be filled with the emails of the past years and my own notes.
[1] [2] [3] Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. Svante Schubert Group : OpenDocument - Advanced Document Collaboration SC Folder : Standards Date submitted : 2017-11-20 08:48:52 Revision : 9