On Monday 29 January 2007 14:58, Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 -
Hamburg wrote:
> 1. The question how a certain list item may get a different list style.
> We have the style-override proposal for this.
> 2. The question how numbered-paragraph may get multiple numberings (or
> number domains). We have the list-id proposal for this.
To avoid misconceptions; my view of the list-id proposal was to allow a
numbered paragraph to have an explicit id to group it to a list (i.e. put it
in the right sequence) instead of having the markup provide that implicitly.
This is a good thing so a sequence of numbered-paragraphs with different
properties can receive the same numbering without there being a complex
algorithm in place that has to be the same in all supporting apps so we don't
see differences.
> 3. The question whether it is/should be possible to have list styles
> that specify the style of a singe list level. We do not have a proposal
> for this right now.
Good question. I was under the impression that it was possible already.
> Did I forget something?
The proposal from Oliver-Rainer from the 26th. Which list some stuff that I
don't understand, but its still about lists :)
Other than that, I don't have anything that seems unsolved with the current
1.1 spec.
Thomas Zander