OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Comments on the 1.09 about Signature Generation

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Comments on the 1.09 about Signature Generation

    Posted 11-29-2001 09:28
    Please add following clarification to 4.1.3 Signature Generation . When a transfer encoding (ex. base64) specified by Contnet-Transfer-Encoding MIME header is used for SOAP Envelop or payload objects, the signature generation MUST be executed before the encoding. When an object is encoded by an encoding rule such as base64, its DigestValue is changed. So we need to clarify that when signature generation should be executed: before the encoding or after the encoding. Regards, -- SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <shima.masa@jp.fujitsu.com> TEL:+81-45-476-4590(ext.7128-4241) FAX:+81-45-476-4726(ext.7128-6783) Planning Dep., Strategic Planning Div., Software Group, FUJITSU LIMITED