OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] FW: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] FW: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED

    Posted 11-14-2006 16:39
    Elysa -
    Thanks for sharing this document. I find it very interesting that the initial cut of this document is lacking of current EC or European national gov funded initiatives for  the risk and crisis management (EM) domain in Europe. They do reference the other OASIS (fp6) but there is no mention of GMES, INSPIRE, ORCHESTRA, GITEWS, EU-MEDIN, PREVIEW or WIN.
    How do we go about providing more input into this group so that they do not work at cross-purposes with all of the other ongoing EM realted work in European community - most of which is already well coordinated?


  • 2.  Re: [emergency] FW: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED

    Posted 11-14-2006 16:56
    Good points and Eliot made some too along these lines.  We'll
    discuss it on the call today but I am in favor of us identifying these
    and making sure they are aware they exist.  Talk with you
    soon.  Elysa

    At 10:29 AM 11/14/2006, Carl Reed OGC Account wrote:
    Elysa -
    Thanks for sharing this document. I find it very interesting that the initial cut of this document is lacking of current EC or European national gov funded initiatives for  the risk and crisis management (EM) domain in Europe. They do reference the other OASIS (fp6) but there is no mention of GMES, INSPIRE, ORCHESTRA, GITEWS, EU-MEDIN, PREVIEW or WIN.
    How do we go about providing more input into this group so that they do not work at cross-purposes with all of the other ongoing EM realted work in European community - most of which is already well coordinated?


    From: Elysa Jones
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org"> emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 4:40 AM
    Subject: [emergency] FW: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED

    Dear EM-TC members,  Please see the following dialog and report by the European Commission with respect to "Risk, Disaster and Emergency Management."  We have been asked for input but there is no time to respond by their deadline.  I would like, however, for us to respond - even if after this date.  I would like for us to discuss this on the call today if possible.  Thanks, Elysa

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    From: "Pim van der Eijk" <pim.vandereijk@oasis-open.org>
    To: <ejones@warningsystems.com>,
            "'Carol Cosgrove-Sacks'" <Carol.Cosgrove-Sacks@oasis-open.org>
    Cc: "'Carol Geyer'" <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>,
            "'Mary McRae'" <mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org>
    X-ASG-Orig-Subj: FW: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED
    Subject: FW: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED
    Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:15:32 +0100
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    Hello Elysa, Carol,
    The attached report is from a recent workshop on Emergency Management held at the European Commission.
    There are several areas in this report where information about the OASIS activities on emergency management are relevant.  I would be happy to send some updates to the Commission (e.g. send some pointers to the TC page and specifications the TC has produced),  but would appreciate your guidance as an expert in this field.   Could you provide me with some input? Any suggestions welcome.
    Kind regards,
    Pim van der Eijk
    OASIS European Representative
    Email: Pim.vanderEijk@oasis-open.org"> Pim.vanderEijk@oasis-open.org
    Mobile: +31 6 22502011
    Register for OASIS Adoption Forum 2006: Enabling Efficiency between Government, Business and the Citizen
    27-29 Nov 2006, London

    From: Jorge.Pereira@ec.europa.eu [ Jorge.Pereira@ec.europa.eu"> mailto:Jorge.Pereira@ec.europa.eu]
    Sent: 08 November 2006 17:23
    To: Jorge.Pereira@ec.europa.eu
    Subject: Draft Report of WG "Emergency Management" - YOUR INPUT IS REQUIRED
    Importance: High

    Dear "Risk, Disaster and Emergency Management" Colleagues,

    Please find attached the promised Report on the WG on "Risk, Disaster and Emergency Management" for your comments - Anything forgotten? Any new ideas?...

    <<Draft Report - EMERGENCY.doc>>
    I would like to remind you that we would also need additional information on relevant

    - Ongoing RTD projects
    - National Initiatives
    - European Initiatives
    - Global Initiatives
    - Reference Documents

    Also, we would welcome your contributions concerning REMEDIAL ACTIONS to address the identified (and others you might think of) Issues/Problems/Barriers.

    As discussed, we remain open to any suggestions, and any additional input you might want to make.

    Given that we are sending the draft report back to you only today,  as not all of the participants/contributors were properly accounted for, we would like to receive your input by 13 Nov noon time (but preferably earlier) in order to be able to incorporate all of them and send a final area report back to you the 14th Nov.

    Note that some more generic recommendations/input will be taken into consideration for the Draft overall meeting Report you will receive by 15th Nov - it is being prepared in parallel.

    Please send your contributions to
    INFSO-G5@ec.europa.eu   CC: Jorge.Pereira@ec.europa.eu

    including "Risk, Disaster and Emergency Management WG", or just "Emergency WG", in the Subject

    Best Regards,

    Jorge Pereira


    Dr. Jorge Pereira
    Principal Scientific Officer
    European Commission
    DG Information Society and Media
    Components and Systems
    ICT for the Environment

    Office BU 31 05/43
    B-1149 Brussels

    Tel +32 2 296 1547
    Fax +32 2 299 4353

    NEW email: Jorge.Pereira@ec.europa.eu   <<< NEW