OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  RE: [xliff]

    Posted 02-17-2003 23:11
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: RE: [xliff] <bin-unit> problem

    In our discusion about <bin-unit>, which started with my proposal to add coord to <bin-unit> and was expanded by Bryan and Yves, it struck me that having a way to reference a <bin-unit> from a <trans-unit> would solve our problem. At first I thought we could do this by adding a bin-ref attribute to <x/> that takes the <bin-unit> id value as its value.
    Using the following example:
    <p>Click <img src="javascript:void(0);" alt="Start!" width="35" height="16"/> to start.</p>
    We can store the width and height attributes in the coord of the <trans-unit> and move the image to a <bin-unit> that we'll reference:
    <trans-unit id="11" coord="#;#;35;16">
      <source>Click <ph id='1'>&lt;img src="javascript:void(0);"image/gif" bin-ref="12"/></sub>" alt="<sub>Start!</sub>" /&gt;</ph> to start.</source>
    <bin-unit id="12" mime-type="image/gif" reformat="yes">
        <bin-source><external-file href="start.gif" /></bin-source>
    This didn't work out so well for a few reasons:
    1. coord in the <trans-unit id="11"> implies the entire text must fit in those coords, not just the image.
    2. We still have to use a <sub> element for the image because an <x> cannot occur in a <ph>.
    3. We have a reference id attribute, rid, used in the paired inline tags which is very similar to this bin-ref.
    4. There is a <sub> for the alt text; thus, a segment within a segment.
    Another way to handle this is to pull the entire <img> from the source. We do this by replacing bin-ref with rid in <x>.
    <trans-unit id="11">
      <source>Click <x ctype="image" rid="12"/> to start.</source>
    <trans-unit id="12" coord="#;#;35;16">
      <source><ph id='1'>&lt;img src="javascript:void(0);"image/gif" rid="13"/></sub>" alt="<sub>Start!</sub>" /&gt;</ph></source>
    <bin-unit id="13" mime-type="image/gif" reformat="yes">
        <bin-source><external-file href="start.gif" /></bin-source>
    Now, when the coord is reformated upon localization, the new value is stored in the target of the <trans-unit id="12">. We still have the two <sub> segments within the one segment but this doesn't look to be a big problem since we've isolated the the entire image tag. We could go on step farther and add the rid attribute to <sub>. Then we'd have the following.
    <trans-unit id="11">
      <source>Click <x ctype="image" rid="12"/> to start.</source>
    <trans-unit id="12" coord="#;#;35;16">
      <source><ph id='1'>&lt;img src="javascript:void(0);"image/gif" rid="13"/>" alt="<sub>Start!</sub>" /&gt;</ph></source>
    <bin-unit id="13" mime-type="image/gif" reformat="yes">
        <bin-source><external-file href="start.gif" /></bin-source>
    This could be pushed even farther by removing the alt segment with the same technique.
    <trans-unit id="11">
      <source>Click <x ctype="image" rid="12"/> to start.</source>
    <trans-unit id="12" coord="#;#;35;16">
      <source><ph id='1'>&lt;img src="javascript:void(0);"image/gif" rid="13"/>" alt="<sub rid="14"/>" /&gt;</ph></source>
    <bin-unit id="13" mime-type="image/gif" reformat="yes">
        <bin-source><external-file href="start.gif" /></bin-source>
    <trans-unit id="14" >
    This is just thinking out loud. What do you think?

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