OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] CAP and Signatures/Encryption

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] CAP and Signatures/Encryption

    Posted 01-28-2005 01:12
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] CAP and Signatures/Encryption

    At 5:04 PM -0600 1/27/05, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
    >I don't think they will entertain chaos theory during an Incident of 
    >National Significance.
    Certainly anyone who's ever managed a major disaster has had to come 
    to terms with chaos theory.;-)
    Anyway, we're talking about planning and design, not response.  And 
    experienced emergency planners know to guard against being mesmerized 
    by Worst Case Scenarios, which, paradoxically, are often much simpler 
    than the much more common less dramatic ones.
    For just one example, in a WCS there's no ambiguity about whether the 
    situation falls under emergency procedures or routine ones.  In the 
    vast majority of real-world emergencies, the transition from routine 
    to emergency procedure ripples out only a limited distance through 
    the involved organizations and jurisdictions, and over a period of 
    time, which means that a significant number of transactions always 
    occur between folks who are operating in emergency mode and 
    counterparts who have different priorities.  In thirty years in and 
    around emergency management I can't think of any major operation I've 
    seen where that mismatch of modalities didn't spawn difficulties.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm an original and enthusiastic supporter of 
    NIMS, based largely on my experience in deploying essentially the 
    same thing in California during the 1990's (it was called SEMS 
    there.)  The reason ICS works... and has been extended from the field 
    level upward over three decades to its national expression in NIMS... 
    is that it can be used continually in the world as it is, not only 
    for an INS/WCS/RBD (Really Bad Day).
    Again, it would be convenient for us if we could make the simplifying 
    assumption that we're only devising capabilities for a full-blown 
    NRP-activating event... and I'm all for standardization where 
    possible... but our day-to-day context is much broader.
    - Art

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