OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Wrong link in part3, D4

    Posted 07-07-2019 13:13
    Hi all, in ODF1.3 part3, section D4 'Further Guidelines' is the text: "Additional, non-normative Accessibility Guidelines are available at: http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/office-accessibility/guidelines . That more comprehensive document will be the up-to-date set of recommendations for what all OpenDocument applications should do in order to fully support accessibility." The mentioned directory "guidelines" does not exists, but the current structure is http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/office-accessibility/ v1.0/ ODF_Accessibility_Guidelines-v1.0.html ODF_Accessibility_Guidelines-v1.0.odt ODF_Accessibility_Guidelines-v1.0.pdf cd01/ cd02/ cs01/ My suggestion is, to add the directory "guidelines" and move the three current files into it, and keep directory v1.0 with the three subdirectories. That way, in case these documents are updated, the links in the specification need not be changed. I think, that is better than changing the links in the specification to the current structure. Kind regards Regina