OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  Issue with leaningObjectMap content model

    Posted 08-17-2016 22:36

    France Baril mentioned in a post on dita-users that the content model for learningObjectMap does not match what is allowed in the DTD,RNG, and XSD.
    The documentation says: "The  <learningObjectMap>  references
    one and only one  <learningObject> ". However, the schema allows for an unlimited number of learning Objects in a learningObjectMap.
    With a reply from Eliot in an email thread:
    The RNG also allows multiple instances of <learningObject>--we never attempted to implement a constraint that would limit it to exactly one while also allowing the other topicref types that should
    be allowed before or after <learningObject> (mapref, keydef, ditavalref, topicgroup). 
    That level of constraint would require completely redefining the content model for the learningObjectMap element, which we could do but which we chose not to do (or failed to consider the need
    The only constraint we implemented was the learningAggregationsTopicrefConstraint, which disallows <topicref> but allows the other items from the mapgroup domain.
    The simpler change might be to adjust the the reference entry to change "references" to "SHOULD reference".
    We should discuss this issue at the following TC meeting.
    Éric Sirois
    DITA Toolsmith ?
    825 Querbes, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H2V 3X1
    tel  + 1 514 279-4942  /  toll free + 1 877 279-4942
    mobile + 1 647 462-3620



  • 2.  Re: [dita] Issue with leaningObjectMap content model

    Posted 08-17-2016 23:48
    We cannot make the change to the written spec that Eliot suggests; it would introduce normative wording. The grammar files are normative, so what we should do is change the spec language to reflect the reality of the grammar files. With DITA 1.2 (and perhaps earlier), we stated that if there was a discrepancy between the written specification and the grammar files, the written spec took precedence. However, as we prepared DITA 1.3, OASIS made it clear to us that their processes required that the grammar files be normative. Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype) On 8/17/2016 6:35 PM, Éric Sirois wrote: Hello,   France Baril mentioned in a post on dita-users that the content model for learningObjectMap does not match what is allowed in the DTD,RNG, and XSD.   <snip> The documentation says:  The  <learningObjectMap>  references one and only one  <learningObject> . However, the schema allows for an unlimited number of learning Objects in a learningObjectMap. </snip>   With a reply from Eliot in an email thread:   <snip> The RNG also allows multiple instances of <learningObject>--we never attempted to implement a constraint that would limit it to exactly one while also allowing the other topicref types that should be allowed before or after <learningObject> (mapref, keydef, ditavalref, topicgroup).    That level of constraint would require completely redefining the content model for the learningObjectMap element, which we could do but which we chose not to do (or failed to consider the need for).   The only constraint we implemented was the learningAggregationsTopicrefConstraint, which disallows <topicref> but allows the other items from the mapgroup domain.   The simpler change might be to adjust the the reference entry to change references to SHOULD reference . </snip>   We should discuss this issue at the following TC meeting.     Éric Sirois DITA Toolsmith ?   IXIASOFT  825 Querbes, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H2V 3X1 tel  + 1 514 279-4942  /  toll free + 1 877 279-4942 mobile + 1 647 462-3620 eric.sirois@ixiasoft.com / www.ixiasoft.com      

  • 3.  RE: [dita] Issue with leaningObjectMap content model

    Posted 10-04-2016 16:02

    Would the following help:
    Use a <learningObjectMap> to create standalone aggregations of <learningContent> together with its supporting plan, overview, summary, and assessments, according to the needs identified by the learning goals
    and objectives.
    While it is possible to include multiple <learningObject> in a <learningObjectMap>, how processors deal with those additional instances of  <learningObject> will be processor dependent.
    Any <topicref> elements that occur before the <learningObject> are intended to be resource-only references such as key definitions.
    The last sentence can be struck from the spec since it’s no longer possible to add topicref elements with the changes in the errata.  Since we can’t add any new language that is normative, then what I’m trying
    to say is that you can have multiple learningObject, but how they are processed is in the hand of the processors.

    Éric Sirois
    DITA Toolsmith ?
    825 Querbes, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H2V 3X1
    tel  + 1 514 279-4942  /  toll free + 1 877 279-4942
    mobile + 1 647 462-3620



    From: dita@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:dita@lists.oasis-open.org]
    On Behalf Of Kristen James Eberlein
    Sent: August 17, 2016 7:48 PM
    To: dita@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [dita] Issue with leaningObjectMap content model

    We cannot make the change to the written spec that Eliot suggests; it would introduce normative wording.
    The grammar files are normative, so what we should do is change the spec language to reflect the reality of the grammar files.
    With DITA 1.2 (and perhaps earlier), we stated that if there was a discrepancy between the written specification and the grammar files, the written spec took precedence. However, as we prepared DITA 1.3, OASIS made it clear to us that their processes required
    that the grammar files be normative.


    Kristen James Eberlein
    Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
    Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting
    +1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype)

    On 8/17/2016 6:35 PM, Éric Sirois wrote:

    France Baril mentioned in a post on dita-users that the content model for learningObjectMap does not match what is allowed in the DTD,RNG, and XSD.
    The documentation says: "The  <learningObjectMap>  references one and only one  <learningObject> ".
    However, the schema allows for an unlimited number of learning Objects in a learningObjectMap.
    With a reply from Eliot in an email thread:
    The RNG also allows multiple instances of <learningObject>--we never attempted to implement a constraint that would limit it to exactly one while also allowing the other topicref types that should be allowed
    before or after <learningObject> (mapref, keydef, ditavalref, topicgroup). 
    That level of constraint would require completely redefining the content model for the learningObjectMap element, which we could do but which we chose not to do (or failed to consider the need for).
    The only constraint we implemented was the learningAggregationsTopicrefConstraint, which disallows <topicref> but allows the other items from the mapgroup domain.
    The simpler change might be to adjust the the reference entry to change "references" to "SHOULD reference".
    We should discuss this issue at the following TC meeting.
    Éric Sirois
    DITA Toolsmith ?
    825 Querbes, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H2V 3X1
    tel  + 1 514 279-4942  /  toll free + 1 877 279-4942
    mobile + 1 647 462-3620