Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 24 April 2019 15:00UTC
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=2019-04-24T15:00:00 Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
Todd Albers
Kenneth Bengtsson
Ger Clancy
Sander Fieten
Ken Holman
Matt Vickers
Pacific call:
Kenneth Bengtsson
Martijn van den Boogaard
Ken Holman
Levine Naidoo
Jens Aabol
Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
Standing items
Review of Pacific call minutes
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr/201904/msg00008.html Review of Atlantic call minutes
Last meeting canceled. Previous minutes:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr/201903/msg00015.html Membership status review
https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#membership Voting status is determined by the following:
existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status
non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status
members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted
Current BDXR TC voting member list (alphabetical):
Jens Aabol
Todd Albers
Kenneth Bengtsson
Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
Sander Fieten
Ken Holman
Levine Naidoo
Matt Vickers
SMP 2.0
CSPRD02 comment resolution
Public review ended March 12, 2019. Comments received:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr-comment/201902/msg00001.html https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr-comment/201902/msg00003.html https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr-comment/201903/msg00000.html Draft comment resolution log:
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=65179&wg_abbrev=bdxr -
Approved. Kenneth to inform the commenters of the TC s resolutions.
Committee Specification 01
Working draft including editorial changes from CSPRD02 comments:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/bdxr/201904/msg00006.html -
JSON example included here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kJSM_KitkhACitwvnOWVIkJ8NcVGOa7VLsBfeVfvmuk/edit# Agreed to prepare a final SMP 2.0 package to be voted on May 8 as Committee Specification Draft with no substantial changes. Next meeting will be a voting meeting.
Exchange Header Envelope (XHE)
Next project meeting scheduled for May 9, 2019 at 16:00 CEST.
BDXL administration interface
TC conference call schedule
Call schedule
Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
Other business