UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Rule: 115 and 116 Containers

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Rule: 115 and 116 Containers

    Posted 07-19-2003 20:13
    ** Reply to message from Chin Chee-Kai <cheekai@softml.net> on Fri, 18 Jul 2003
    10:07:30 +0800 (SGT)
    > Bill's container illustated the context under which the
    > container's proponent wishes to argue for having containers,
    > ie to wrap those with cardinalities 1..n (and then forgetting
    > to talk about 0..n again) with a TYPED container.  This is
    > exactly what Bill tried to illustrate with <SuperfluousContainer>.
    I may not correctly understand what you mean here, but if you mean that Arofan,
    Stephen, and myself forgot to mention the 0..n case, we did cover it, although
    perhaps the wording of the proposal obscures things a bit.  Just in case, I'll
    summarise the proposal.  Suppose that the <Thing> element has cardinality M..N.
    1. If N <= 1 (i.e. <Thing> is 0..1 or 1..1), then <Thing> does not have a
    2. If N >= 2 (e.g. 0..2, 1..2, 2..2, 0..3, 1..3, ...) then <Thing> has a
    <ThingList> container.
    3. If M = 0, the cardinality of <Thing> inside <ThingList> is 1..N, and the
    cardinality of <ThingList> is 0..1.
    4. If M >= 1, the cardinality of <Thing> inside <ThingList> is M..N, and the
    cardinality of <ThingList> is 1..1.
    I hope that helps.
    Anthony B. Coates
    London Market Systems Limited
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