The regular meeting of the UBL Library Content subcommittee will adjourn after 1/2 hour to allow for another joint meeting with the Naming and Design Rules subcommittee. This will be held on Tuesday 10th September between 8:30-10 a.m California time. (The first half between 8:00 and 8:30 will be LC business). The numbers to call are: 954 797 0718 (international) 877 322 9648 (U.S.) Participant code 956 824 The proposed/draft agenda will be: 1. Welcome from Joint Chairs * Appointment of Secretary to take minutes * Statement of purpose * Review statement on container types 2. containership for lists * Eve's paper 3. containership for logical groups * Tim's paper 4. containership for other types * Gunther's paper??? 5. Open discussion on how these fit with requirements 6. Work Plan * Action items - Naming rules - Position papers 7. Other business 8. Next Meeting (tomorrow) -- regards tim mcgrath fremantle western australia 6160 phone: +618 93352228 fax: +618 93352142