OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2008-07-28

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2008-07-28

    Posted 07-31-2008 14:39
    OpenDocument TC coordination call  minutes 2008-07-28
    *Begin 10:03 EDT
    * Rollcall
    Robert Weir, IBM (presiding)
    Jun Ma, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Software
    Warren Turkal, Google
    Ming Fei Jia, IBM
    Ma Yue, IBM
    Patrick Durusau, Individual
    Doug Mahugh, Microsoft
    Bob Jolliffe, South Africa Department of Science and Technology
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    - 9 of 11 voting members were in attendance, so quorum requirements were 
    * Minutes of 7/21 call were approved (
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200807/maillist.html )
    * Voting
    Approval of  Oliver's "Vertical Relation" proposal: 
    * Discussion of ODF Approved Errata
    -- Rob reported that Mary McRae found an issue with the document we 
    submitted -- not in proper format, in particular the title page material
    -- Patrick takes action item to contact Mary and to resolve
    *  Discussion of ODF 2.0 Requirements SC proposal
    -- Discussion will continue on list, with approval in a couple weeks if 
    there is consensus.
    -- Rob mentioned that he could chair, or if someone else would like to, 
    now is a good time to make their interest known.
    * Discuss plans to create ODF 1.2 Committee Draft 
    -- Patrick takes action item to report back on when we might be ready for 
    a Committee Draft, in particular, when it will be at a point where public 
    feedback would help, not hinder the editing work.
    * Review of open action items 
    -- No changes
    * Discussion on document distribution via online file library
    -- Notifications to list seem to contain a "private" URL which requires an 
    OASIS password to access.  But for each private URL there is also a public 
    URL which anyone can access to retrieve the document.
    -- We want to encourage TC members to always refer to documents, in 
    agendas, meetings, postings, etc., to use the public links.
    -- Michael takes action item to asking OASIS to post public links when 
    generating a list notification
    -- Oliver takes action item to write up note on how to convert private 
    links to public links
    *Adjourned 10:56