Fellow Code List Representation TC members,
This is a test message to ensure the mail list
has been properly set up and the archives are working:
I will follow this up tomorrow (Friday) with an
announcement of the details of Monday's inaugural
teleconference and a draft agenda. I'm looking
forward to "meeting" everyone ... I'm excited to
see all those who have signed up:
While the TC process
requires only that our first order of business be
to elect a Chair, I also have as an agenda item
an email thread to post that requires some
contemplation and discussion at Monday's meeting.
According to section 2.3 of the process, all
members present at the first meeting who request
voting rights are voting members.
Would all members considering being the Chair
please think about it more before Monday and be
prepared to state so in your introduction when
the meeting is convened so that we can handle the
first piece of business? Note that according to
section 2.7 of the process the Chair is elected by a full majority vote.
Please let me know if you have a specific agenda item you would like raised.
Thanks for your interest in code lists!
. . . . . . . . . . . Ken
UBL/XML/XSLT/XSL-FO training: Vårø, Denmark 2006-10-02/06,11-20/24
UBL International 2006 2006-11-13/17 http://www.ublconference.com
World-wide corporate, govt. & user group UBL, XSL, & XML training.
G. Ken Holman mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0 +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
Male Cancer Awareness Aug'05 http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/bc
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