OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

  • 1.  Hong Kong Legislation

    Posted 03-27-2013 20:32
    Hi Everyone, Sorry this took me a while. Here are some documents which so a few of the issues with the Laws of Hong Kong. These are ordinances rather than bills - the structure differs slightly. I have either included a PDF of the relevent text when I have it or given a link to the BLIS online version. Also, I have included a list of terms I gathered from Hong Kong and how I map them to Akoma Ntoso. Feedback please! Sample Documents:   Chapter 614: Basic structure   Chapter 569, s. 27: Interstitial text in a sandwich.   Chapter 112, s. 40: Complex definition including embedded proviso.   Chapter 609, s. 10: Adoption of model law:  http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm?doc=CurAllEngDoc*B05AD905F0326214-482578150029FD71   Chapter 525AD, Schedule 2: Subsidiary legislation containing modifications to principle ordinance. Mapping Hong Kong terms to Akoma Ntoso Metadata                   <meta> Table of Contents       <toc> Main body                 <body> Provision                   <container> - but their use of the term is very very broad Level                        <hcontainer> Number                     <num> Heading                    <heading> Subheading               <subheading> Cross Heading          ?? <heading> Action                      ??  Notes                      <notes> Note                       <note> Reference                <ref> Date                       <date> Amending Formula   <mod> Modifying Formula    <mod> Quoted Text             <quotedText> Quoted Structure      <quotedStructure> Columns                  <table> Bill                          <bill> Ordinance                <act> Resolution               <bill> - they have two different notions of a resolution. In this case, I'm concerned with the one that is essentially a bill Basic Law                <act> - This is their Constitution Committee Stage Amendment  <amendment> Document Date        <docDate> Copyright                 ?? Preamble                 <preamble> Short Title                <shortTitle> Long Title                 <longTitle> Recital                     <recital> Enacting Formula      <formula> Citation                     ?? - This is the "will be cited as ..." name in the first section of the bill Term                        ?? Sandwich                  <container> ?? Preliminary clause      <clause name="preliminary"> - These are clauses after the enacting formula, but before the sections Clause                       <clause name="section"> - regular clauses in a bill (not preliminary clauses) become sections in an ordinance Subclause                  <subclause name="subsection"> - regular subclauses in a bill become subsections in an ordinance Section                      <section> Subsection                 <subsection> Part                           <part> Division                      <division> Subdivision                 <subdivision> Chapter                      <chapter> Article                       <article> Paragraph                  <paragraph> Subparagraph             <subparagraph> Item                          <item> Rule                          <section name="rule"> - except we found one case where a rule is a level above section and below subdivision (it's own level) Subrule                     <section name="subrule"> Regulation                 <section name="regulation"> Subregulation            <section name="subregulation"> Order                        <section name="order"> Direction                   <section name="direction"> Definition                  <def> Proviso                     <hcontainer name="proviso"> CommencementNote  ?? - This is a date or table of date before the main body (after the Long Title) Annotation                 <note name="annotation"> - this is a history note and includes an embedded reference                OfficialNote               <authorialNote> EditorialNote             <note name="editorialNote"> Schedule                  <attachment>/<doc name="schedule"> Explanation               <attachment>/<doc name="explanation"> -- Grant ____________________________________________________________________ Grant Vergottini Xcential Group, LLC. email: grant.vergottini@xcential.com phone: 858.361.6738 Attachment: Cap614.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document Attachment: Cap569 s27.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document Attachment: Cap112 s40 definition for industrial building or structure.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document Attachment: Cap525AD sch2.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document


    Cap614.pdf   6.59 MB 1 version
    Cap525AD sch2.pdf   85 KB 1 version
    Cap569 s27.pdf   530 KB 1 version

  • 2.  Re: [legaldocml] Hong Kong Legislation

    Posted 04-03-2013 16:38
    Hi Grant, I tried to map the missing term in Akoma for the discussion of today: * copyright - for managing copyright information  included by the publisher during the publication in the footer, we could use             </references>             <proprietary source= #palmirani >                 <hg:oddPageHeading>                     <hg:middle class= normal > Legislation Publication Ordinance</hg:left>                     <hg:right class= normal > CAP. 614 </hg:right>                 </hg:oddPageHeading>                 <hg:oddPageFooter>                     <hg:middle class= normal > Authorized Loose-left and Printed and Published....</hg:left>                     <hg:right class= normal > Issue 47</hg:right>                 </hg:oddPageHeading>             </proprietary>         </meta> - there is also <docStatus> for recording the status of the document (e.g. reserved, confidential, protected, copyrighted, etc.) * Cross Heading          <heading class= cross > or <span class= heading> depends to the position in the text * CommencementNote  - I am inclined to mark-up as formula: <formula id= frm1 name= comencementNote >                 <table id= tbl1 >                     <tr>                         <th/>                     </tr>                 </table>             </formula> * Citation                     <shortTitle> * Action                      ?? I don't understand the case, I need an example * Term                         ?? I don't understand the case, I need an example. * Sandwich                  <container> ?? we need to manage this special case I guess. Yours, Monica Il 27/03/2013 21:31, Grant Vergottini ha scritto: Hi Everyone, Sorry this took me a while. Here are some documents which so a few of the issues with the Laws of Hong Kong. These are ordinances rather than bills - the structure differs slightly. I have either included a PDF of the relevent text when I have it or given a link to the BLIS online version. Also, I have included a list of terms I gathered from Hong Kong and how I map them to Akoma Ntoso. Feedback please! Sample Documents:   Chapter 614: Basic structure   Chapter 569, s. 27: Interstitial text in a sandwich.   Chapter 112, s. 40: Complex definition including embedded proviso.   Chapter 609, s. 10: Adoption of model law:  http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm?doc=CurAllEngDoc*B05AD905F0326214-482578150029FD71   Chapter 525AD, Schedule 2: Subsidiary legislation containing modifications to principle ordinance. Mapping Hong Kong terms to Akoma Ntoso Metadata                   <meta> Table of Contents       <toc> Main body                 <body> Provision                   <container> - but their use of the term is very very broad Level                        <hcontainer> Number                     <num> Heading                    <heading> Subheading               <subheading> Cross Heading          ?? <heading> Action                      ??  Notes                      <notes> Note                       <note> Reference                <ref> Date                       <date> Amending Formula   <mod> Modifying Formula    <mod> Quoted Text             <quotedText> Quoted Structure      <quotedStructure> Columns                  <table> Bill                          <bill> Ordinance                <act> Resolution               <bill> - they have two different notions of a resolution. In this case, I'm concerned with the one that is essentially a bill Basic Law                <act> - This is their Constitution Committee Stage Amendment  <amendment> Document Date        <docDate> Copyright                 ?? Preamble                 <preamble> Short Title                <shortTitle> Long Title                 <longTitle> Recital                     <recital> Enacting Formula      <formula> Citation                     ?? - This is the will be cited as ... name in the first section of the bill Term                        ?? Sandwich                  <container> ?? Preliminary clause      <clause name= preliminary > - These are clauses after the enacting formula, but before the sections Clause                       <clause name= section > - regular clauses in a bill (not preliminary clauses) become sections in an ordinance Subclause                  <subclause name= subsection > - regular subclauses in a bill become subsections in an ordinance Section                      <section> Subsection                 <subsection> Part                           <part> Division                      <division> Subdivision                 <subdivision> Chapter                      <chapter> Article                       <article> Paragraph                  <paragraph> Subparagraph             <subparagraph> Item                          <item> Rule                          <section name= rule > - except we found one case where a rule is a level above section and below subdivision (it's own level) Subrule                     <section name= subrule > Regulation                 <section name= regulation > Subregulation            <section name= subregulation > Order                        <section name= order > Direction                   <section name= direction > Definition                  <def> Proviso                     <hcontainer name= proviso > CommencementNote  ?? - This is a date or table of date before the main body (after the Long Title) Annotation                 <note name= annotation > - this is a history note and includes an embedded reference                OfficialNote               <authorialNote> EditorialNote             <note name= editorialNote > Schedule                  <attachment>/<doc name= schedule > Explanation               <attachment>/<doc name= explanation > -- Grant ____________________________________________________________________ Grant Vergottini Xcential Group, LLC. email: grant.vergottini@xcential.com phone: 858.361.6738 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ====================================