Open Document Format TC meeting minutes 2012-07-09 =============================================== *9:34 EDT Camilla Boemann Andre Rebentisch +Donald Harbison +Jos van den Oever +Louis Suarez-Potts +Ming Fei Jia +Oliver-Rainer Wittmann +Patrick Durusau +Robert Weir +Steven Pemberton +Svante Schubert +Thorsten Behrens +Thorsten Zachmann +Tristan Mitchell Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name 12/14 voting members present = 85%, so quorum requirements were met. Membership notes: Andreas Guelzow is on a Leave of Absence - Agenda approved by unanimous consent - Minutes of July 2nd approved by unanimous consent - Discussion on lLeave of Absence privacy concern -- TODO: Rob to forward issue to to Chet Ensign --Discussion of public comment regarding OpenFormula treatment of strings, numbers, blanks, etc., in criteria -- See -- Rob assigned issue to himself for further investigation -- Oliver noted a related defect report for AOO: ) -- Also discussion thread: -- Discussion of further JIRA issues: *Adjourned 10:107 EDT