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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes 28 June 2006
DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 28 June 2006
The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 28 June 2006 at
05:00p EDT (02:00p PDT, 21:00GMT, 22:00BST, 23:00CEST, 06:00JST+,
02:30a India+) for 60 minutes.
1. Roll call
Present: Steve Cogorno, Paul Grosso, Nancy Harrison,
Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Jirka Kosek,
Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton,
Absent: Gary Cornelius, Dick Hamilton, Mark Johnson, Norman Walsh
2. Accepted the minutes[1] of the previous meeting.
3. Next meeting: 19 July 2006
4. Review of the agenda.
No additions.
5. Review of open action items
a. Norm and Bob to review and close any RFEs that should be closed.
b. Norm to add person and org elements to V5 Beta 6.
c. (Norm?) Invite Dee to attend meeting regarding interop.
d. Norm to push 4.5 standardization process.
e. Norm to add db.publishing.inlines to 5.0 bibliomixed.
f. Nancy/Norm to find out if making the license more restricted
is going to cause any heartburn.
g. Norm to change content model of methodparam as proposed and allow
xml:space on modifier.
h. Norm to write a more comprehensive proposal for numbering changes.
6. DocBook 4.5 standards progress.
The committee voted and approved moving 4.5 to become a full
OASIS Standard. Norm will submit by July 15 for a vote
at the beginning of August.
7. DocBook 5 issues.
None reported.
8. Proposal for more comprehensive numbering.
Norm's email [2] described the current state of numbering
of DocBook elements. The group discussed two items:
marking every nth line with numbers, and starting number
on procedures.
Larry suggested that the author should be able to control
the frequency of line number display in a literal layout
element. He said a very short listing might need all lines
numbered, but a long listing might number every 5th line.
Jirka suggested that this is a stylesheet issue.
Adding startingnumber attribute to procedure was discussed.
An example was given of a description of a modifified
procedure, where only steps 3-5 were changed, so the
modification description should be able to start on step 3.
The group did not reach decisions on either item.
ACTION: Larry will write up a modified version of Norm's mail to discuss
further by email.
9. Units markup, see [3].
A markup language for number units is being developed.
This item was intended as an information item only, not
as a proposal for DocBook, although it might be useful
for certain customizations.
10. Review of Requests for Enhancement
To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):;;
1478012 Add linumsep and linenumstep to programlisting and screen
See agenda item #8.
1503012 New PRINTINFO for INFO
The existing colophon element might be an appropriate
place for this information.
ACTION: Bob to ask the submittor about using colophon instead.
1512505 profiling attribute for customer
The group felt that there are already a large number of
profiling attributes, and that perhaps this one was
a bit too specific. We discussed adding a more general
"audience" attribute.
ACTION: Bob to add "audience" profiling attribute to
next month's agenda.
- ---
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting
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