Mary or Don, can you clarify for me what an "organizational member" is? Does this correlate with being a foundational sponsor or a sponsor?
Best regards,
Kristen James Eberlein l DITA Architect and Technical Specialist l SDL Structured Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 l
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Original Message-----
From: Mary McRae []
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 4:55 PM
To: Don Day (LbW)
Subject: Re: [dita] Official statements of use for DITA 1.2
The more the merrier!
On Oct 5, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Don Day (LbW) wrote:
> Actually, I didn't mention it only because I was expecting strong response from the existing list of cited users. But you are right--we'll be counting as they come in!
> --
> Don Day
> On 10/5/2010 3:19 PM, Mary McRae wrote:
>> Just to clarify, you need THREE statements of use.
>> Regards,
>> Mary
>> On Oct 5, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Don Day (LbW) wrote:
>>> We've been keeping a list of DITA 1.2 adopters here:
>>> For the final push, we need a "Statement of Use" from an organizational member typically provided in an email message to the TC list. From the OASIS policy:
>>> ""Statement of Use", with respect to a specification, is a written statement by an OASIS Organizational Member stating that it is successfully using or implementing that specification in accordance with the conformance clauses specified in Section 2.18, and stating whether its use included the interoperation of multiple independent implementations."
>>> If you are an organizational member of the DITA TC who has already listed your organization's adoption of a DITA 1.2 feature, please follow the policy notice and send the requisite statement to his list. For consistency in citing, I suggest using this subject heading:
>>> DITA 1.2 Statement of Use by [your org's name]
>>> Especially call out if your usage meets the interoperation statement! Use of L&T independently from Techpubs (both obviously interoperable) might be an example, as I read it.
>>> --
>>> Don Day
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