Agenda: - status of industry design work (scenarios/personas/content analysis for sw dev, machine industries, education, medical) - discussion of conference experiences (tcworld/tekom, DITA Europe, DITA-OT day) - welcome for new members - where/how to share code - github, anyone? --- industry design work - status sw dev - will send email asking for interest/availability this week machine industries work on hold sissi closs to join sc, focus will be on this area along with jang medical - check after thanskgiving education - background discussions continuing - progress report again next time --- discussed conference experiences machine industry moving towards dita major cms vendors starting to add dita support strong interest in markdown mappings at dita europe more people joining sc/tc jang: need to consider relationship to other standards in germany eg pi-mod - will add as part of to machine industry analysis dita europe attendance up by about 50% - combination of of tcworld/dita-ot may have helped dita-ot day had ca. 95 in person, ca. 40 online personas - we need to include external clients and tool vendors, not just content development roles jan benedictus/fonto introduction focus on sme contribution how to attract smes to conferences? concept of lw dita focus on beginners very interesting jang - maybe instead of trying to attract them to our conferences, bring our views to their conferences/tradeshows where to put dtds kris: they should go in oasis svn, that should be official location but can go in github as well, as non-normative copy kris can help with svn side mark can help with github side mark - sees potential connection with web components - will post examples to list jang - would be interested in moving to rng for lw dita schemas, and also to generating schemas from example documents michael - current thought is on a specialization document type that allows specification of the required elements/model for a specialization - could be generated in its own right from example documents, but don't want to require an example analysis process for getting lw dita specializations Talk to you all again in two weeks! Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) Enterprise Content Technology Strategist